I have faltered in keeping my promise to write about my daily experiences. The weight of numerous unfinished tasks has hindered my commitment, and I find myself engaging in this activity only when boredom strikes. Yet, truth be told, boredom has been a constant companion. However, in recent days, I’ve found myself immersed in the world of gaming, squandering precious time and neglecting my studies, leading to a stagnation in my life—no discernible progress to speak of.

Let’s delve into the realm of mental health—a subject that may seem dull at first glance. Are you familiar with the “draft” section on OA Line regarding universities? There, one may encounter a plethora of anonymous posts that may or may not reflect reality. However, I believe that the online world often mirrors real-life struggles, offering glimpses into the genuine thoughts of individuals. Among the myriad topics discussed in these drafts, mental illness reigns supreme. Countless individuals, grappling with their mental health, seek solace through anonymous expression, yearning to unshackle themselves from their internal turmoil.

It’s challenging to quantify the magnitude of each individual’s struggles. However, when we zoom out and examine the broader picture, we observe mental health issues plaguing both developing and developed nations. Surprisingly, regions marred by conflict or turmoil seem less afflicted by mental illness, as their inhabitants harbor aspirations for a brighter future amidst adversity. Contrastingly, denizens of developed nations, blessed with material comforts, often find themselves grappling with existential questions in their idle moments, spiraling into escapism and hedonism, ultimately succumbing to feelings of hopelessness, laziness, anxiety, and depression.

Yet, let’s not forget—it’s a war waged within our minds. While a despondent soul may seem lethal, it pales in comparison to physical ailments. We become ensnared in our thoughts, oblivious to the suffering endured by others—children orphaned, limbs lost, senses impaired. Our afflictions, mere figments of our imagination, pale in comparison.

So, let us strive for purpose. Engage in physical activity, immerse ourselves in literature, share smiles, foster connections, embrace knowledge, and defy the shackles of our own minds. Though we may feel feeble, our potential for change knows no bounds. Sometimes, the most inconspicuous pain can prove deadliest. Therefore, let us live not merely in pursuit of happiness but in pursuit of a meaningful existence—a tribute to the gift of life bestowed upon us.

Cherish yourself, cherish others—for what purpose? The answer eludes me. Yet, let us forge ahead regardless, propelled by the boundless potential for happiness and meaning within our grasp. After all, to exist—to feel, to think, to communicate—is a privilege denied to the unborn. Despite life’s trials and tribulations, we are fortunate to draw breath, empowered to infuse our existence with purpose and joy.

Love yourself always, extend that love to others. The significance? Uncertain. Nevertheless, heed these words and embrace the journey.