“Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.”

Winston Churchill

Successful dawah occurs when the person being preached truly fears hell.

Therefore, every preacher is a businessman, because they are negotiators. When the preacher cannot negotiate, what happens is only the failure of the dawah.

And the successful negotiation of the preacher is the moment of convincing the preacher that they will go to hell. This does not only apply to preachers, but also applies to the government, rulers, those who have power, or all of them are intersect of businessmen.

The slow development of the country is not caused by the stupidity of its people, but is caused by the silliness of its rulers.

The first reason is what usually happens to greedy rulers, thus they really want the stupidity of their people, and the second is because they are not good at negotiating. I have a good prejudice of the current Indonesian government so I assume that the cause is the number 2. Yes, the authorities have good intentions to develop the country, but they are just not good at negotiating.

The education sector is one example. Why Indonesia’s PISA score is bad and the problems surrounding education occur, it is clear that policy makers cannot negotiate.

Many students don’t have the pressure of not being good at math or in any other subject because everyone knows that many of them are useless in life. Everyone knows that without learning math, everyone can still eat and drink and have fun like a normal human being. The point is they didn’t find hell in what they went through.

The human hell in the world of the individual is simple, doing something he doesn’t like.

So when a student can still do something it likes, any business goods or services that enter its life will not have a big impact on it.

Education is a business product.

In terms of cheating, teachers or policy makers cannot negotiate with students. The advantages of cheating outweigh the disadvantages. In a subject that is not liked, students will think that the subject will not affect them in the future. Plus if he doesn’t cheat, he will continue to be remedial, repeating something he doesn’t like and he knows it won’t affect his future, plus if there are perfectionist parents and often scold when their child gets a bad report card, of course cheating is a strategic choice for these students .

This action is done because the student does not want to enter the hell of the world, where he continues to do something he does not like. This is simplification. Whatever the policy, whatever the business, every good businessman needs to convince his customers, if he doesn’t take his products, his customers will go to hell.

That’s the law. Fear is bigger than anything in the world and therefore every smart businessman should take advantage of every fear.

In terms of preaching, for Muslims it has been explained that the purpose of human beings was created to worship and become leaders in the world.

The bad thing about Islamic marketing is when the preacher cannot convince his followers that if he disobeys he will go to hell. Al-Ghazali emphasized that the object of dawah also has its own classification. There are various kinds of groups and can not be generalized.

And in business, this is market segmentation, where Total Available Market is all targets who can access services or products from the business.

So it is really ironic, a country with a Muslim majority, where Islam was always depicted with victory and excellence, has become something that oscillates between right and left ideologies, becomes a consumptive nation, lacks innovation, is swept away by westernization or extremism which claims to be zuhud or khalwat when in fact, it only isolate itself, plus its intelligence is logically low, even though it is clear that there is an order to achieve its potential so that he can become a blessing for the universe, to become a caliph on earth

Therefore, to achieve excellence and to rule again, I can think of nothing more than to think about how to form a system that prioritizes business, negotiation, that if someone does not follow this business, then that party will face hell.

~To be Continued