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:v: :v: :v:

So now I’m gonna talk to you about is it really important to go to college now? So this is my pure opinions, so. There’s not tried or wrong in it, but you should read every other material or sources so that you can. Grow them your point of view broaden.

00:31 Your point of view. Right until that.

00:39 She’s this is only my opinion first.

00:49 Space my opinion in my college experience because I attendance information system field in. Indonesia University. And based on that experience. I feel like that I got a college it’s just such a wasting of time. Because I know that for some things that I lately.

01:33 I lately realized that I’m not really good at emotional intelligence, so I don’t really think I’m planning about what will I do in my college, so I think college is wasting for me why because it’s really wasting my time, you know. You know in the first I feel like that I can adapt so easily and I can maintain my character or personality.

02:13 But after I’ve been through. Maybe months or two months well actually. I really feel like that in my first in my first impression about this faculty with the corporate science faculty in university in a University of Indonesia. The. The atmosphere is really really enjoy for yourself and really comfortable at first so because of that first impression.

02:54 I feel like that I really that I don’t really need to adapt so the first thing after I. Are a enrolled the conductor and well on.

03:25 So I’m not sure that. So I’m not really adapt. So the first thing after I write that matters. I started to searching for some places to be fit and I decided to. To go to the door mystery of UI door meter of UI. Dermatory. Dermatory dermistory. Of UI.

04:11 Dorm. Dormitory. Of UI. Yes in that dermatory. I’m not adept with my friends with my in my area. I just you know starting to look up for the material in the website of my faculty. I’ve started to learn about the subject of programming language because I’m I don’t have really experienced but programming.

04:52 So the first thing I do in that after I am accepted in the dermatory because the process of registration is quite long and quite tired and then well, I think and I only do to look up the.

05:21 The academical in my.

05:27 The academy called my. University.

05:43 And then in my faculty, I’m not really adapt and join about the event and actively participate in the event. I only attend and it’s just there’s no some reason. I only do the assignment from the scenario. And I feel like it’s really wasting my time and you didn’t really have full my college life in the university, but after I.

06:17 Thinking for a long time. And it’s really really important the even usually important for me because. It’s like.

06:37 First if you don’t know how to make a friend why is it really important because I think knowledge can be obtained from other resources in the internet or whether in the books or in the library and you can achieve the knowledge and what’s on yourself and you don’t need to go to college to learn if so the, Because the college is I mean is the purpose of college is you are networking in there you make a friend with others and such things and you learn about the social aspect the social activities such as the organization who you communicate with others and build your networking so if you really don’t know how to make a friend.

07:37 I think you you’re you’re just wasting your time. I mean if, In my subject information system, well that’s really wasting your time, but maybe in some subject weather the academic purpose is really and you don’t have to you don’t have to make friends don’t have to broaden your networking.

08:05 So I think.

08:12 This first reason you can abandon this first reason.

08:24 The second is.

08:28 You can get knowledge from the any other resources, so there’s a bunch of cars in. Of there’s a bunch of cars. There’s a bunch of cars. Cars. Cars. Course. There’s a bunch of cars. There’s a bunch of cars.

09:04 Online curse. Online curse online courses. So you didn’t really need to get knowledge from the university. I mean, if you have a, If you have. A scholarship, so I think it’s better you to go to college but even if you don’t have a scholarship and you. Afford by yourself.

09:37 I think it’s not really worth it to get knowledge because in the college you are you are to be told to. To work by yourself. And to learn by yourself, so the, The docent. Is like teach about the main material but the any other material unit to learn all by yourself, so if you have times I think it’s better you to.

10:17 To learn by yourself. And then the third reason is.

10:29 You are wasting your money. So based on this second reason, there’s a lot of course, there’s a lot of online courses, right? So based on that reason. You can really. Comfort your expenses, so you don’t need to afford the knowledge from the university and you can learn all by yourself.

11:06 And then the fourth reason is you’re wasting your time in the university, there’s a lot of. There’s a time schedule that you can maintain by yourself so you have to follow the rules and because of that it’s just. I combined the difference between the. Real time. And online courses whenever pandemic is happening in in Indonesia.

11:52 So if there is a class in normal class and it is really really wasting my time because I need to fix my schedule. I need to take about I need to maintain my time and I I need to manage in my time so that any and then in the class I still waiting for the, For the lecture.

12:22 And then waiting for my friend and then there’s a rest and there is a break in every material so that you are wasting your time whenever I was in randomix situation whenever the corner in Indonesia is happening. I feel like I killed I could be more productive. Well, actually, I’m gonna probably have productive at all.

12:55 Because. I am too lazy and when I was in my home but seriously if there is a class I don’t need to think about it to waiting my lecture to come or maybe waiting the next class is beginning you can. Just lay in your bed and then watching watching the video and put away on headphones with a really need to focus and for it for an introvert like me.

13:32 It is really helpful, you know, when you don’t need to go to the class, so it is really not wasting my time. Then there’s my. Opinion, whether you are have to go to college or not and. Listen, so. Based on this reason. I want you to know that you need you don’t need to go to college if you have a you have an appetit.

14:27 If you don’t have an appetite.

14:32 You don’t really need to go to college. Because you can get the experience when you don’t have an ambition such a great admission to you know to make a leader. I mean, the organizational stuff such as you can learn, of course, there’s connections so that you can learn from experience with your friends from the same viewer about how the real world is.

15:03 Happening in the real world.

15:11 So based on the nearest and the is it, really. Is actually need to go to college well. I think in my case. Go to college still apply because there’s parents and I have and. You know games see.

15:40 And based on that.

15:56 It’s a lot of works. Thank you.