2 years ago I was having an opportunity to be a Chief Of Badan Syiar Media (BSM) Division in HIROKOBA(Association of Muslim Teenage in Bandung Area) but actually its more like a nephotism because I don’t really have an experienced about media, such as visual design, article writing, movie making, and public relation with social media.

I don’t know why I accepted the request from my friend maybe because it seems easy because to be a leader you don’t have to have a technical skill and such those things. What you just need to have is a managerial skills and to make your members work well. And beside in my high school I think my activities both organization and academic activities I can manage well so I am sured that maybe I can help a little to be a chief in HIROKOBA.

And because I assumed Easy that thing, I am sorry that now I feel like I failed to be a chief in BSM Division. All work programs was realized but in my view the programs was not going well. The example is from the article we have made, The writing didn’t have something that makes the reader want to read and the article seems like only a boring writing, copy paste from another articles with topics that don’t interest the teenager. Of course the topic is Syar’i and it is right, but to make a boring article I think it’s not right for modern teenager ‘zaman now’. The design from the ilustration is not really interesting too, of course there is some who give the touch in it, but mostly the design is just like the wordArt from MicrosoftWord. And to make only a meeting even it is online it’s kinda hard because we have our own activities outside organization.

Well as to be a leader, I can’t accepted those things but I don’t know how to improved it. I want to make a “reward and punishment” system but I think again it was only a voluntary organization that I couldn’t forced them to do the works. I only wished about their willingness to work. Not only work but the really work that wholeheartedly done with the aim of benefiting others.

So the articles was published a lot but I think it didn’t have much real positive impact, generally to the reader, especially to our members to made a good articles which are have impact to others. And because of that, I really felt that I was failed to be a leader of BSM Division in HIROKOBA

But honestly the organization really benefits for me. I knew about the history of the built of that organization which is from events that really interesting, you can read it here,

Sejarah Karisma ITB

And the vision is to associate the Muslims in Bandung area to discussed the problems they faced in the school area. And mostly to make some events to boost the skills of muslim teenager such as business workshop, religious studies, etc.

So the idea of me to write about this article is from this background and my educational experienced in Sciences. The main vision of this organization is to gather up the muslims and to help them to developed new skills that needed for Muslims to adapt or ‘conquer’ the world. And based on that, I want to try to research for condition of Muslims that really developed from old years and comparing it to now, and what can we do to make muslims “rise” again.