Just learning English,

It was monday, 29 december when I was in Yogya. I went to yogya to attend my relative’s wedding party in 28. My train seted out on 29 in the night. I was sick and tired to stay in my grandma’s house. Actually, I have made the itinerary if I visit Yogya again. But the plan is just a plan. I don’t know, its not because I’m scared of travelling alone but i’m too lazy to go anywhere so whenever I go to yogya I always spent my time on my grandma’s house.

I was thinking so hard and tired, until I wake up at 12, pray, took a bath, and had a lunch. I was still considering whether I go or not. And in 2 pm, finally I decided to go to Volcano Mountain Nglanggeran .

This is my weakness. Its hard for me to decide something quickly, I am so labile and thinking about something that may be happened. And after I’m wasting my time thinking and didn’t do what I have been plan to, I started regret and blame myself lol.

In 2 pm where the wheather was cloudy and there were many sounds of thunder, I determined to go to motorcycle rent spot in near UGM. And of course after 5 minutes in the road, it was raining. I was mad at that time, blaming the weather and taked shelter in one of the UGM building.

But then I didn’t care if it was rain storm, i will continue my motorcycle because i have rent the bike for 45.000 rupiah. Even it is the cheapest rent and seems like trivial money, I never wasted my money relentlessly, even it is only 100 rupiah. You may call it stingy, I call it thrifty and responsibilities.

The distance between my grandma’s house and the mountain is approximately 30KM. I was resist the rain and not scared about slippery, twisting, and strep road. I spur my motorcycle in the speed of 50-70KM/hour.

And finally arrived there in 4:30 pm.

My stupidity was I wanted to climb mountain, without proper equipment, and the weather was rain. I talked to the officer there and asked how much do i have to pay to climb the mountain. He said 15,000 rupiah, and he suggested me to comeback tomorrow. But I refuse, because at that time I was going to have to take the train at night. And when I want to pay, the officer let me climb without pay. I didn’t know why, maybe because I was looked miserable and he thought I will commit suicide and he din’t want to pay the assurance, I dont know maybe he’s just too kind lol.

At that place there are about 5 people and they stare at me like ’this guy is weird’. I started conversation and try to be friendly but they’re just answer me with serious answer. Suddenly I was tired of being “friendly” and I didn’t care, I just wanna climbed the mountain.

Then I started to climb. It looks like you see the waterfall there because its raining, i am climbing the mountain with raincoat because it was raining. I am scared with the atmoshere, there’s a lot of sound that I dont recognize and it makes me freezing and shaking -_-.


I fight my fear and I arrived at the first stop. Honestly I forget how many stoppage there. But only to reached that first stop, I felt so weak because my feet already tired lol. I was mumbling whether I continue or going back again. It is not because I was tired but the wheather was not good and the skies became darker as the time goes. I am afraid I would be lost or something terrible happened to me and I am afraid of ghost lol.

The time showed at 5 o’clock so I commit to myself if until 6 I still haven’t see the top, I would come back. Then I started again the climbing, fought my weak feet, the scared of darkness, etc. And then I reached the top. I didn’t believe that actually it is a short mountain, only 700 mdpl. I counted that it only need approximately 45 minutes to reach the top. So I took some photos for few minutes.





And I was going back again at 5.30. The path is very slippery and actually more tiring than climbing but I was going faster because I am afraid of dark and lost.

I arrived at the starting spot at 6 and rode motorcycle back to Yogyakarta. Because my train depart at 11, I was going to go around Yogyakarta to look the circumtances, went to Jogokaryan Mosque, ate at burjo, and pulled over at a madrasah’s mosque near UGM. In there I took a shower and change my wet clothes. Then, I going back again to near UGM where the motorcycle is rented. I returned the motorcycle and took a gojek to go to train station.

Luckily, I got a friendly driver at the time. He told me that he was from a campus with a major in management. He asked about me and I said I take information system major in UI. I asked management graduate is well paid right? “What do you actually work for and why do you work as a driver too?” He said that he was a salesman and because the UMR in Yogya was low, he needed to take a job as a driver to support his wife and family.

I forgot about the rest, but I thought it was a good conversation. I always love to have a conversation with a stranger. As long as his demeanor and personality are not excessive, there will always be interesting stories that emerge, new perspectives, which I can’t get when chatting with people I usually meet for my various impressions of them, or their impressions of me.

Talking to the driver in my opinion is a pleasant thing. There were no expectations, a conversation that usually flowed, not made up. As the world of the internet might be made of, feeling like you can get things out of the way, just like when you write and talk to yourself. So ephemeral, the void, but something temporary that is what we enjoy every day in this world.

From that only 7 hours of travel I have already felt like a Musafir lol. When I arrived at the station, I was waiting for the train to come back home.