Writing without rage, emotional thoughts, or cynicism can be an incredibly challenging task. The idea of creating something that doesn’t bother anyone and instead keeps them in a positive frame of mind is like trying to improve your GPA score. Achieving a higher GPA requires following the rules, studying diligently, impressing your instructors with every aspect of your work, and seeking assistance from various resources. However, the act of following the rules can often feel dull and uninspiring. This essay will explore the notion of valuing the process over the end result and delve into the intriguing beauty found within futility.

  1. Uncertainty of the GPA’s Importance:

From a pessimistic standpoint, one may question the significance of a good GPA in one’s life. Does it truly guarantee a happier and more fulfilling future? Is the pursuit of a high GPA the only path to success? These questions challenge the conventional belief that a good GPA is the ultimate marker of achievement and happiness. While a high GPA may open certain doors, it does not guarantee a happy life. The uncertainty surrounding the importance of a GPA prompts us to consider alternative perspectives and evaluate the intrinsic value of the process itself.

  1. Happiness and the Journey:

Happiness is often seen as the driving force behind our endeavors. However, it can be argued that happiness is not the sole purpose that compels us to strive and overcome challenges. Perhaps individuals find solace and fulfillment in the process, rather than fixating solely on the end result. Embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs, allows individuals to grow, learn, and gain valuable experiences. The process becomes an opportunity for self-discovery, personal development, and the acquisition of skills that extend far beyond the confines of a GPA.

  1. The Absurdity of Happiness:

In contemplating the nature of happiness, one encounters its enigmatic and contradictory qualities. Happiness seems to be an elusive and ever-changing state of being, one that is often transient and fleeting. It is subject to the passage of time and the vicissitudes of life. Therefore, placing excessive importance on a future happiness that is contingent upon a certain GPA or achievement can be seen as an absurd notion. Instead, valuing the present moment, embracing the journey, and finding joy in the process can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

  1. The Enlightenment of Process-Oriented Individuals:

Those who prioritize the process over the end result are often regarded as enlightened individuals. By appreciating the beauty found within the futility of certain pursuits, they recognize that the journey itself holds intrinsic value. These individuals understand that life is a series of interconnected experiences, and each step along the way contributes to personal growth and fulfillment. They find meaning in the process, accepting the challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties as integral parts of their journey toward self-discovery and a life well-lived.


In a society that often fixates on outcomes and results, valuing the process and embracing the beauty of futility can be a transformative perspective. While a good GPA may have its merits, it is essential to question its true importance and consider the intrinsic value of the journey itself. By embracing the present, finding joy in the process, and recognizing the wisdom in valuing the journey, we can embark on a path of self-discovery, personal growth, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. Let us embrace the process, for within it lies the true essence of our existence.