I don’t want to talk about the history of the popularity of emot “:v” or as we called pacman emoticon because there’s a lot of written about that such this,

R.I.P Pacman Emoticon

or this from the tweet of


From that case, What I mean it’s just a simple and trifling case, but the context is always behaved as it is.

When there is an idea or a person, the popularity of that idea or person is influenced by majority of society. From entertainment things to religion and believe things.

The idea of communism, feminism, those who like a indie song, those who like “senja”, demonstrators, those who like anime, “pemuda hijrah”, and any others. At first, that idea or person is considered as fun and interesting and different. And when it is too popular and there is a lot of people using and like about that idea, that idea becomes too “normie”.

Somehow that idea becomes a joke and everyone started to leave it and hate it even insult it. Even actually there is no wrong about that idea and didn’t bother everyone, it becomes odd, only by the perspective of society. And those things make me think, to be the only one or not to be the only, both of them are frightening when you are following social rules.

What did they do to you exactly? Is it really you can hate something only based on the others’ perspective and narration? Hating subjectively about a thing while it is only part of something, and make you offend every object in that subject and make the world lose its color?

And it doesn’t stop in there. If we take a look further, our perspective, realize or not, our perspective is constructed by the digital world. What we see and what we hear and it combines to our history or fundamental of thinking and combines with a perspective of society and it makes us to be one of them, easily controlled and easily get baited by anything that showed up in social media

When there is a news or tweet from a figure, it always considered as a serious things. By our intuition we try to comment from our mind and our heart that if there is a a thing antipodes with our view, we can easily comment whether only in brain or
we directly write down our thingking to reply them, and feeling superior than them, mocking them, angry at them…

Without knowing what they are writting. May be it is just a guy who want to bait and have fun because of it and maybe he laughs while looking the reply of his post and said,

“WHAHAHA How fool they are, it is really fun”.

Or maybe I’m just too cynical with every thing happen in the internet and towards the real life or it is called as hiperrealism. Because I have been through this thing whenever I make a stupid statement and I just want to have fun, there are a lot of person who regard that as true or maybe they’re just joking too I don’t know.

By this post truth era we have to make sure it is a true person, or just a bot or a politcal buzzer. And if it is a true person, how can we think if it is true or they are just faking it?

And based on this situasion, I really feel like I’m optimistic about technology which can solve every problem even when they’re creating more problem to solve. We want to create an algorithm that predict a statement whether it is true or not and it is based on text or audio. But how can we manage such algorithm about sentiment analysis while we haven’t understand about that too.

So maybe we are creating a machine that more super than its creator?

I don’t know. I am just curious why I stopped using the emot":v" after knowing the majority considered that emoticon as somewhat annoying, when actually I enjoy using it


wkwk ngomongin “anti kebahagian”, lu aja salah satu pembuat narasi emot pacman yimyam overrated, manufacturing consent bikin orang yg enjoy pake emot itu lost theirself dan ngerasa kayak elitist. stigma buat pengguna emot :v jadi kayak orang kena hiv. padahal dulu enjoy bngt ane pake emot itu karena merupakan salah satu simbol dionisyan egaliter, eh lu malah mempromosikan rasionalitas euclid aristotlean yg bikin gedung-gedung jadi membosankan. Salam jari tengah dari anak icak meme bang :v