Warning!!! Don’t read it if you don’t want to waste your time

I am the typical person who always decide or prejudice something by first impression that he/she/it did to me without doing critical thinking and analyzing it. Even I have known prejudice especially bad prejudice is not good and in Islam it is prohibited, I don’t know my feeling is always said that what is true is what its seen at first.

My thinking and intuition still judge something based on its first experienced related with me even that I know that something not always consistent in the term of physical or mental. In other hand if it’s related to human behaviour, it didn’t constanly as it is. That activity, behaviour, or habbits can be changed in short term or in long term by some specicific event, or in simple ways, a bad can turn to be good, and otherwise.

Sometimes my intuition or prejudice didn’t perform directly. But I can’t decide if it’s good or bad, because in order to avoid some event which is predicted by my thinking as bad and it is truly bad, my cyniscm or bad prejudice is benefit for me so I didn’t have to face the event which is inflact to me. So the bad prejudice is not really bad.

But whenever my intuition didn’t work, I can easily analyzing and deep thinking about that something, event or person. And it is not always benefit as what the religionist or philosopher ordered, that you need to know WHY first then you will know HOW. Because whenever you’re deep thinking about something or some event, you will lose a moment that you need to take an action. Time flies and by analyzing too much, that something which you analyze will disappeared or harm you because you didn’t take any action.

So the proccess of decision, the proccess of solving problem is not always have a standard methodology. Sometimes you don’t need the essence or the purpose in the beginning and you can find the meaning in the end. Or you might end up doing something that you didn’t really know about the essence because you didn’t analyzing the purpose that much in the beginning.

I can’t blame a person who has a specific methodology to live his life, such as they need to have a purpose in doing what they will do, or they need to take an action before the chance is disappeared. Because when you are facing a problem, sometimes you didn’t know that it is really a problem. What I saw is sometimes our intuition is right and sometimes it is wrong, and there’s nothing we can do about it. The problem solving itself is like the combination of action and intuition. We might be right or wrong by some prediction, but sometimes it is not a probability that really need to
think and to find a best action of each event.

So what I experienced now is an event that my intuition didn’t work well and I need to find some get away to make myself feel better because I choosen the wrong decision. _Actually I didn’t know why I wrote those paragrap_hs below. I just want to write about the benefit of using smartfren, but my thinking didn’t straight to the main topic, but fu*k it. So here is the lesson I get by using smartfren:


Actually I want to write the benefit of using it, the slow connection after the data reached the limit, and it made me more patient and philosophy behind them but I am just lazy right now.

And now here I am, running from reality that provider which I choose is actually shit and by such of thinking I tried to make myself feeling better. Does by analyzing and deep thinking make me feel better to the wrong decision that I have been made? Well it less help me, but honestly I don’t know.