Actually while I enrolling SBMPTN I didn’t know about this field. At first I want to go to STEI ITB because the student only choose the facculty, not the field. I want to go there because I didn’t know about what my passion is so that I could relearn about high school topics such as fundamental of Math, Physics, and Chemistry first at the first year together with arranging plan and consider about any other field at that facculty. But when I enrolled in SNMPTN I wasn’t accepted at STEI ITB. Gratefully, after I learnt for approximately 1 month I am accepted in SI UI with SBMPTN path. And these are my reasons for choosing Information System in continuing my education.

I want to master all the process of information in the world.

I am interested in technology, especially about information because I watched films and series which are really influenced me, such as Who Am I, The Matrix, Ghost, Snowden, etc. Because the digital technology is developing so fast and I really felt that there are a lot of things not right in our social media, such as Hoax, political and religional and cultural problems, hate speech and others. So that I want to enrich my knowledge so I know about the flow of that kind of things and how to prevent or diminish the negative aspects of that part of technology.

I like technology and the subject I like is only math

I love physics and chemistry as well, but I found that those subjects are really deep to comprehend and the expediency is not practical. I see math is more general and really connected with the daily life. But of course the actual is not like that and it is just my view. So I choose this field because I like technology and only like math.

I like practical instead of technical

What I knew from a lot of article about education is Computer Science is more technical than Information System and in SI is more like managing or connecting business people and technical people to work effectively together, so I chose SI.  Actually I didn’t really like management and to learn about human interaction or connection, but I feel like I am challenged so that I can improve my soft skills or emotional intelligence so that I can solve a many problems.

Can go through any other topics in technology

What I knew from a lot my senior is if I go to Computer Science facculty I could explore a lot of topics of technology and I can choose what I want to master at that field. So there is a lot possibility career here in CS field such as to be an entrepreneur, software developer, manager, data analyst, business analyst, UI/UX Designer, etc.


I write this in the last but actually this is first reason I choose this field lol. Actually I’m just practical and traditional man, so when there is a lot of articles said that the paid is high on computer science field, somehow I am interested directly. Even actually I am really more into social education and not really interested in computer science. But I realized that I am kind of retard emotionally wkwkwk so I choose the really needed field in order to ‘berjaga-jaga’ if I am not really succesfull socially.