
Growth mindset or whatever it is, every person can have it. But most of them (I don’t want to include myself lol) just simply can’t achieve the implementation and the realization of that mind set. It is just they can’t. Trying to be more productive, want to achieve more, programming own mind, it is really suck, especially when you are grow in environment which condong to instant gratification and not stressing something to be more meaningful. And when you are just conscious and realized about your past, the present just lazy to change. There will be a change, a delta, but it is so little and it is not something that you expect at the moment you realized.

Looking at the Ustadz in my mosque who struggle to spell ’ef’, instead they just can spell ’ep’, just make me sure that there is something, no matter what you do, you could not change it, even you already set your mindset to change. The struggle to change, is not worth compare it to stick to the ‘status of quo’. It could be change, maybe, but only a little, and unworthy to do. And anything we can do with the poor mind set, the old mind set, is just to wait, be patient, or dengan kata kasar, let them die.

My words muter2, but I just want to tell that I kind of struggle to stick to the plan. When I want to be productive there is always this whisper in my mind,

“Yes, you are productive, but then what? Robot could be easily programmed to automatically scheduled into something, are you a robot?”.

I want to answer them, is it really bad to be a robot?

But since I want to yield to the whisper of my head, I just answer,

“Then, I don’t to make a good habit or stick to the plan. I AM HUMAN. I NEED TO BE LAZY. I NEED TO PROCRASTINATE. I NEED TO ENJOY. I NEED TO BE STRUGGLE OF WHAT I ENJOY”

I am not lose to my whisper of my head. I just let them win so that I could entertain them, or in this case, I rather called myself an altruist.

Then I procrastinate.


I reach at this Mushishi things. And it was something boring, and it’s like as life of course, but I’m kind of enjoy watching this series.

I guess every rational man assume that this is wasting time. By watching this, you don’t get the knowledge of math, physics, chemistry, or biology, you don’t get the information of how the brain works to pursing what majority of society is try to achieve, or which type of social economic ideology to make all the people live as they want, or any other systemic question.

But if you’re looking for something which makes you more aware of the world that you didn’t know or just want to spend your time watching a supernatural, philosophical things and the slice of life, I really recommend you to watching this.