Always repeated and not necessarily be traced because that’s what people looking for, isn’t it? happiness?

Steam machine and fossil-based transportation emerged.

“We facilitate all human works to be more effective and efficient. We will plant more trees to reduce the carbon emissions!”

Human populations grows, forest is cleared to be housing, more demand of house and cars, trees to be cut down, carbon has been increased…

“Eat meat more! consume and buy more! Travel more! So that economic is rotate and the poverty been diminished!”

The demand for meat has increased, soil for animal farm been built, more trees to be cut down, more cows means more methane..

*Global warming exist

Fossil will be vanished. Nuclear power plant been built,

“It’s safe. No need to worry! Every human has noble humanity and responsibilities, it will not be used as weapon! Everyone is good!”

World war 2 exist.
*Boom! Fat man and little boy was dropped

Computer is being developed. Internet been built. A lot of apps been built. More term and more condition! Data transportation always occured,

“It helps us communicate with others. It helps us to workmore efficient. Everyone will be happy! No data is misused!”

Mental diseases increased, hate speech and hoax increased, more data been collected.

Political movement lease data analyst and cooperate with social media to manipulate algorithm and feeding the “persuadeable” with content they wanted

*Trump won the election by cambridge analytica helped

Internet of things be pursued, more machine learning and AI. Self driving car, image and video recognition, neuroscience experiments.

“By this automata we don’t need to work, the robots will do for us. Social gap will be vanished, everyone will be happy! We just need to regulate”

More worker replace by Automata. The profit one is only the owner and the capitalist. More unemployment. More anarchy?

Covid-19 Pandemic spread,

“It’s okay we don’t need to worry. Our ulama always do kunud so indonesia is free from covid 19. Everything is save because we are ready from this!”

Covid went to Indonesia, a lot of personal health fall and died. Economy collapsed, everyone is blaming each other.

Every problem is occured due to a pessimist, isn’t it? Or it is because majority are searching for dominating madness called happiness?

Why do we always to pretend like we all know the future and it is not really something to be afraid of? What I don’t understand is what ‘who has power’ is educate us? What makes so hard to tell?

From “save yourself and make much money” to “save the world”

From “be happy” to “be empathy”

From “owning” to be “sharing”


Because save the world will make you save yourself, be empathy means to be happy, and sharing means owning. What makes it so hard to educate people to do that?

Maybe it is because all the pessimist who says,

“Don’t worry, be happy!”
“Don’t remember yesterday, don’t worry about future, just live today.”
“Carpe diem!”
“Seize the day!”


Every problem is occured because all the pessimist, isn’t it?

Ignorant is bliss~