
There are 2 interesting terms in business, thus “standard of living” and “quality of life”

The standard of living means the amount of goods and services people can buy with the money they have.

And the quality of life means The general well-being of a society in terms of its political freedom, natural environment, education, healthcare, safety, amount of leisure, and rewards that add to personal satisfaction.

Business and their employees pay taxes to the government, Taxes help the country to build better education, facilities, etc. Specifically, the business ‘CONTRIBUTES’ to the standard of living and quality of life for citizens.

‘Contribute’ is a word I emphasize. I assume that what businesses really doing is increasing the ‘standard of living’ and some said standard of living is not necessarily leads to quality of life and some said standard of living leads to quality of life.

But I rather say standard of living decreases the quality of life.

For example in countries that allow possession of firearms. In terms of standard of living, people have their money to buy firearms. But it could lead to the fear of being shot whenever the people out of their house and it shows the decreasing the quality of life.

Then about the Aborigines, previously they were considered primitive and backward, until “modern people” came. They are forced to be sent to school, “educated”, and even kidnapped with “good” intentions in order to be well-educated.

In terms of standard of living, through education, they can get everything. However, are their quality of life increase? Discrimination continues to occur, even there’s an Aboriginal area that has high suicide rates.

Related to technology, people can buy gadgets and enjoy social media services. But people can’t buy security and privacy. Even the Indonesian president’s class cannot protect his privacy when wiretapping occurs.


Loss of security and privacy could decrease the quality of life depends on one person. One who has awareness of technology, of course, has discomfort and it leads to decreasing the quality of life.

But for an ignorant person and who didn’t care much about security and privacy, it doesn’t affect his quality of life.

So this is the point .

Ignorant is increasing the quality of life. It’s not the business that increases the quality of life. Businesses only increase the standard of living and rely on who is dominant, but ignorant is always leads to a better quality of life.

What the majority are looking for is happiness. But business only increases the standard of living, and the quality of life caused by the business only improve those who are dominants. I simplify the words quality of life to be the happiness even it’s not quite right.

Ultimate or Eternal happiness is contradicted with human beings. What human feel for now is only a temporary pleasure, only lasting for a certain period. Temporal boredom and enjoyment fulfilling each other and that what makes humans.

Ultimate happiness is not caused by enjoyment and focusing on doing something or Ikigai according to Japan, but merely easily obtained by being ignorant, by being not human. Those who always strive for happiness always lose to crazy people.

Human is a combination of 7 deadly sins in Christians. Who has the 7 traits is very lucky because they can become a whole human. 1 characteristic alone makes him a human.

However, the absence of these 7 characteristics makes a person gain ultimate happiness or becomes no longer human. And what the business doing is increasing the standard of living and increasing that 7 traits or increasing humanity.

Because ultimate happiness is contradicted with human-being. A businessman always preaches, “lets create and join a business, it could make a better life, it could make everyone happy”

But happiness is easily gained simply by being ignorant and what they are saying is merely to increase the standard of living, not the quality of life.

All doctrine is aimed at ignorance. Even an urge to accept is part of ignore. To love, hate, create, destroy, grateful, everything is part of ignore. Because ignorant is bliss.

That’s why the older people are, the happier they are. Like a plant cell that continues to divide to become specialized. The powerlessness to divide made them specialized. It stops dividing because it wanted to achieve happiness, or it could be said they wanted to be close to death.

I don’t know many matters, political interests, business, conflict areas, future technology, law, ethics, neighbors and friends condition, ecology, everything alive or dead, or even myself.

And because I didn’t know all of those from day to day I felt that I could achieve ultimate happiness.

It’s like what majority shout,

“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”


وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ