“The Big Short” delves into the complexities of the 2008 economic depression in the US, exploring terms like bubble economics and subprime mortgages. While its comedic elements may not resonate with everyone, its clear explanations make it accessible even to those unfamiliar with economic concepts, like myself.

“Beautiful Mind,” while primarily focused on John Nash’s struggle with schizophrenia, offers valuable insights into his mathematical contributions such as the Nash Equilibrium and game theory. Instead of watching the film, delving into Nash’s writings might provide a more thorough understanding.

“The Wolf of Wall Street” is not recommended due to its explicit content and glorification of greed. While it portrays the allure of wealth, it ultimately sends a dangerous message.

“Pursuit of Happyness” presents a toxic portrayal of the American Dream, similar to “The Wolf of Wall Street,” albeit wrapped in a more palatable guise. Its message may be superficially positive but carries underlying dangers.

“The Social Network” provides a captivating glimpse into the creation of Facebook, showcasing Mark Zuckerberg’s ambition and the ethical dilemmas he faces. The line “You’re not an asshole, Mark. You’re just trying to be” encapsulates its nuanced exploration of character.

“Steve Jobs” may be perceived as boring, lacking the dynamism expected from a film about such an influential figure.

“Deep Web,” despite its clickbait title, sheds light on the complexities surrounding the deep web, cryptocurrency, and government involvement in online activities.

“The Great Hack” reveals the unsettling collaboration between Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, highlighting the erosion of privacy in the digital age.

“Edward Snowden” portrays its titular figure as a controversial figure, prompting viewers to question the notion of privacy in today’s interconnected world.

“2057” offers speculative insights into the future, grounded in interviews with physicists like Michio Kaku. While not a traditional film, it provides a thought-provoking glimpse into potential future scenarios.