The greatest form of usefulness is to make many people lose their usefulness. In this way, those who lose their usefulness turn to those who enjoy it.

In the Management course, I ask my lecturer. “If technical workers been replaced by AI, it means that the technical business process is fulfilled and there will be no problems again in the technical sector so that low-level manager is not needed anymore. If it is fulfilled the effective, efficient, and productive in business, can it be developed until the high-level manager, the director, or CEO be replaced by Robots?”

I think it is an unethical question because from this,

Nilai Semantik Bertanya

I conjecture about what my lecturer will answer. Then she gave my question to the class and let everyone think about the answers. Sometimes I ask, what should I ask others. How can I make a good question so that my question is understood completely by others?

From the answers, I assume that my questions are considered the paranoid question, that I am afraid that the Manager is a profession that can be replaced by robots. Some answers we challenge robots to do the job, some answers in the short term especially in Indonesia the development of technology still slow so the manager can’t be replaced by robots.

But that’s not the point of my question.

And I think I should ask this question to philosophy or economy department.

The point is, every human being is afraid of being replaced.

If everything is replaced, it means that everyone can learn other things, can create something. The evil system makes replacement or changes as something to be fearful of. While actually, changes are something amazing. My point is any system always needs to be improved.

Just imagine, if the idea is stopped only until everything will be replaced by robots and what is left is the capitalists. It means, in the worst case, by system today, there will be no jobs anymore and there is a huge economical and social gap between the capitalists and job seekers. Greed will rule everything and act as if they are gods.

And of course, proletarians will not let that happen.

So my question is actually how do we prevent that event from happening? This is the general and elementary solution that we need to replace and improve this destructive system, that will not only harm humans but the environment. We need more abstract and systemic and radical thinkers which can analyze how can we change the system which is rooted in every person’s minds, namely money-oriented.

Somehow we need to gradually make money not relevant into the future for been used as the exchange system, even though there’s a lot of debating whether money is still relevant. It is still relevant if we let high disparity continues and capitalists rule the world arbitrarily. So I guess money will not be relevant in the future.

And this is my imagination.

We need to build more robots, more AI, to solve problems that are material or physical in nature. So the necessity of food and any other primary needs will be fulfilled faster. As an example, in agriculture, plantation, robots must be developed smarter than humans so it can analyze well in planning and executing the process of producing food so that primary products will be surplus and the price will be cheaper.

There must be a bunch of cunning capitalists like middlemen that use this to enrich themselves. It means that we need to reduce their power by gradually replacing the system of money, so the function of money as the tools of power will be devastated. Then the creation of products is only seen as a hobby.

The purpose of technology is to make everyone powerful so that the gap in power will be decreased. Then money loses its power because power is owned by people. Then people gave power to someone who is really worth to be given. In this system, money is no longer useful and the new credit is something called social credit,

like applied in China with the lack of the government controls the system, whereas people should control the system. There’s no problem if the government is good morally, but a greedy government will disgrace this system.

In the transition of the replacement money system to the new system, we need to think about how it can be replaced perfectly, the one idea is Universal Basic Income.

Maybe there is something more effective than this idea, but It’s hard to figure out what that is. It is being experimented with by South Korea but I am pessimistic if it is applied in Indonesia because it will likely worsen the Indonesian economic system.

The problem of hunger should be finished, but technology is something that should be developed first. With Moore’s Law, the machine will be cheaper and more advanced over time. The main idea is replacing all of the repetitive works previously done by humans so that goods will be surplus.

The next problem is the surplus of goods will make humans survive well so it will continue to the overpopulation problems. It can be prevented by regulation and education I guess.

The hardest of the transition from the old system to the new system is the first step. How we will develop AI faster? The answer is education, whose main purpose is related to humanity and the environment.

But today education is useless because regardless of the student learn topics which are not related to money, they are always aware that everyone is pursuing money, so what they need to learn is only how to make much money. The first purpose of education which is humanity is realized, but the environmental and ecological aspects of the problem are marginalized. Education only works for those who don’t have primary things problems or those who seen and want to make a better future for everyone. And that is the main task of education, educate, educate, and educate everyone.

It should gradually be told that money will be useless and what students really should do is to think about what they’re supposed to do in order to solve a lot of problems concerning humans and the environment. And people should ask, what is the thing that is valuable than money to be used as the exchange system, and my imagination stuck that what should be seen as the exchange system is “the help”. And we need to sue all aspects which don’t help.

Some afraid of changes, or replacement. But actually, there is no loss because of replacement.

Sixth Sense.

So the main idea is to change replacement to be a necessity and all the feeling useless should be given rights to enjoy replacement.

A lot of changes and replacement could make someone think better, evaluate what is and what will happen. So the idea of ​​replacement is to help and to improve the system.

Fastabiqul Khairat! It means that we should compete in goodness. And the biggest form of usefulness is to make a lot of people lose their usefulness. And those who lose their usefulness turn to become those who enjoy it.

It is like Giordano Bruno who fought the church doctrine. He told us that we are not the center of the universe, the human is so tiny and he made the church authority lose its effect and loss its usefulness. If someone is faster at inventing the telescope, maybe he would not be burned as in the past.

Or it is like the “carry” role in the groups who carry all the works by itself and it makes every member not doing anything towards the assignment. It loses every member’s usefulness because the one is doing the work by itself. But when the assignment is done, it means that every member can think about other problems, whether their personal problems or the problems if the one complained to the teacher that only him that doing the assignments.

Or it is like forgotten friends or ’no life’ persons. It shouldn’t have a feeling of disappointment, because it can learn any other things and enjoy all the solitude to think about what it should do to solve world problems.

Usefulness is like a new oil or a new treasure and people are fighting to get it. Who doesn’t get it, he will die on the battlefield.

Every descendant of Adam always fought to get what they wanted, Qobil killed Habil because he didn’t get what he wanted. And most people today killed them themselves because they didn’t get they want, that is, the “usefulness”. So all the feeling of uselessness should be eliminated and those who feel so should be given the certainty that they can enjoy.

Even though there’s more to think about in order to achieve “usefulness”. Poverty, green environment, robots, skyscrapers, technology, greediness, stupidity, and there’s more equation to be found. And what people should ask is, “What can I do to solve the problems?”.

The importance of silly and dumb ideas or questions is to make someone curious. When someone is curious, it will bring them to search and fulfill their curiousness and try to solve the problems which they are facing.

Every invention, like the machine, internet, and technology is compatible with Fastabiqul Khairat because it will make more a lot of persons feel useless. And the feeling of uselessness should be given the right to enjoy all the replacement by evaluating the system.

Then to minimize all the worries and the feeling of uselessness, there must be a premise to be used as a reference. Find the zero. In math, every optimization point is always coming from zero, not the one. If it is kind of hard to be understood, just try the premises, “No one is useless. It wasn’t all in vain.”

If there is still a feeling of uselessness and helplessness, just remember, there must be someone or something that gonna replace you, and your job is nothing but to enjoy.