Considered I am a conservative or democratic or liberal or anything, because actually any typology of ideology, everything is all the same.

It is categorized and classified because they didn’t really know what lies in the idea that seems opposite with them.

It’s like the MBTI, the typology of personality.

Why people or any students who struggle in continuing their career or life trust about this typology even though it is full of biases is because they didn’t really know about that thing. And when people don’t know about something, they believe in what seems logical and fit with their perspective, and it is valid for my own opinion.

With my biases towards seeing the live, I believe that typology of personality or any other typology or ideology is nonsense. They said all people are different. But I don’t agree with them. All who said that simply didn’t want to accept that any evil by their view is pretty different from them, like it has an exact barrier which limited them and what they believed as evil.

Or it is perceived as a spectrum, and I agree with this spectrum idea, because no matter what color which diverse fill the circle, if it is turned around, it always gives the same color, all the white. Even the black is the white.

It is not that each person lives differently. But in my biases all people are just the same, we are not living, we are just trapped in the system of comedy. Those who have a feeling for living to the fullest are against the purpose of comedy.

Comedy is not something to be laughed at for an eternal time, it just can be enjoyed for a temporary time and that is what makes comedy. And those who felt living fully in this world are against the law of comedy.

My biases believe that everything has a law. Understanding that we are trapped and not living is one of the rules of this comedy.

And if it is not following the law, it will create chaos and out of the system of comedy and can never be a part of the show.

And those who abandoned the rule of comedy are the ones that have a feeling alive.