In the search for the law of comedy, I find the one which is closest to the system of comedy. It must contradict with everything, it must be referring to the rule of number one that we are not living, but we’re just trapped in this world.

Let’s just take a look at the piece of the rule of comedy which I found interesting .

إنَّ الَّذينَ يصنَعونَ هذِه الصُّوَرَ يعذَّبونَ يومَ القيامةِ ، يقالُ لَهم: أحيوا ما خلقتُمْ

“People who draw these pictures (animate images), will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and will be said to them:” Live what you have made""

(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

If it is interpreted as only textual or literally, you might find this is something funny and illogical. But if we take a look further, the term “draw” is not necessarily translated into draw.

Let’s connect to this modern world.

From the Japan cases where everything is so manipulative, we can see that there is irony about that.

The infrastructure, facility, and everything seems so developed and beautiful. But there is a high number of suicide rate, prostitution, and any kind which leads to question of irony of what seems developed. Everything is manipulated, renting a girlfriend, renting a family, Hikkikomori, living with 2D, and so on.

It urges the sense to live and have dissatisfaction. It makes us lose the ability to decide whether it is right or wrong. It leads to subjectivity again, and you know the rest. Just like my subjectivity from looking at those youtube videos, whereas I didn’t know exactly what happened.

So from that piece of hadist, what I could conjecture is that artificiality will lead to chaos, the worst is the doomsday could come from artificiality.

There is no problem with artificial intelligence. It only contains the data collection which is trained and the machine has the learning algorithm to predict what could come in the future. And of course it is just the combination of 1 and 0 and we couldn’t say that it has the sense of consciousness because we programmed it.

The problem is when it is dressed like a living creature, then it is hard to find the truth whether it is a living creature or not. It could create subjectivity again even if they are just a programmed machine. But after being dressed as a human or living creature with consciousness, it will lead to the crisis of definition of what a human is if you see this.

It is the same with the development of neurosciences where the developer starts to experiment with the human brain or memories. If it succeeds in manipulating memories, we would ask what are we exactly? We’re nothing more than a programmed robot.

There’s subjectivity again there and it leads to the crisis of definition. So before doing something, we should ask ourselves,

“Is this in accordance with the law of comedy?”

If the answer is not, then we should break this kind of activity if we don’t want humans to be extinct.