This is the other example which I think is part of the law of comedy too,

اللَّهُمَّ إلَّا أَنْ يَكُونَ فِي سَمَاعِهِ ضَرَرٌ دِينِيٌّ لَا يَنْدَفِعُ إلَّا بِالسَّدِّ

“By Allah, even listening to a chant (or a musical instrument) is a terrible danger to one’s religion, there is no other way than to block the path so as not to hear it.”

From Majmu ‘Al Fatawa, Ahmad bin Abdul Halim Al Haroini, 11/567, Darul Wafa’, third printing, 1426 H.

Don’t mean this textually. We need to find the history and comparison to this modern world. What I can see, music really made us relax, and that is the problem. We don’t see that it is so manipulative.

Let’s take an example.

When we are watching horror movies without music, we might feel not as scared as when we turn the horror sound on. Music will mess and manipulate the part of our brain to think and to prejudice something, even if it is not right.

We’re hypnotized to enjoy and to move without awareness. Even there are cases where music leads a few persons to commit suicide. We found it hard to explain because that’s the genius of the music.

It leads us to something that excites when we’re listening to something. It manipulates us to be more excited and then full of positivity or negativity. In fact, in that case, we should try to understand logically with our mind what really happened in that situation without music. But we chose to depend on this evil creature.

You might find it a silly argument, but let’s see it further. The art or the music will lead to something which is worshipped. And when there’s worship, there must be a bunch who will invest in those worship.

The investor will fund the artist because they know people will be fans with the artist. And it could bring to the increasing of profit about what the artist joined. You think that it could decrease poverty and raise hopes.

But this is what music tells us in every our action


By its subjectivity to do the art, increasing the fans, and it increases the economy. The GDP of Nations will increase because of these activities. But we don’t see what is the fundamental that built this economy.

Poverty is decreased, but then it leads to greed because the value of the economy is increasing. No matter what the ecology suffers, we just ignore every aspect we do and others do.

There will be more resources to fulfill everyone’s greed because their standard of living is increased. But the fundamental economy is dilapidated.

It is like an overpriced brand, the problem is not the poor couldn’t afford. It could lead to increasing the ‘value’ of money, but increasing the ‘value’ of money will not increase the ‘resources’.

So the resources are marginalized by our greed which has been accustomed by us. We don’t care about anything other than “humans”.

Humanity at first! They said.

Even though humanity is nothing more than a lunacy. It could lead to the crisis of resources and its impact on the degeneration of ecology or climate. Then we simply don’t care and blame the capitalist, whereas we are part of the capitalist who only cares about the lunacy of humanity.

Then the disaster is happened, and we realized it too late.