Narrated from Ibn Umar Radhiyallahu anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

كُلُّ مُسْكِرٍ خَمْرٌ ، وَكُلُّ مُسْكِرٍ حَرَامٌ

Everything intoxicating is khamr, and everything that is intoxicating is haram. [Reported by Muslim].

The simple thing about this, it brings many benefits, but the harm is bigger than the benefits.

We can see that alcoholists who are drunk are always doing something out of our reach. A few accidents are caused by being drunk. It could erase and remove pain temporarily, or it can be fun, but it is only temporary.

The worst thing about the drunk is when they’re telling the truth. Truth is something dangerous, because it will lead to chaos. Our society really loves falsity or what seems good even if it is dressed up by something rotten and lies.

So when the drunk is telling the truth, or it can be said the drunk is always telling the truth. Or the truth is only told by those who are drunk. They could destroy all people’s perspective which is manifested as the purpose of life.

Let’s see every philosopher. They’re drunk. And because they are drunk, they’re telling the truth. People don’t have the power to accepting the truth and because of philosopher, there’s a lot who committed suicide because the world is no sense anymore for them because they understand the truth.

Or lets see the drunk philosopher who told us we might die anytime and because of that truth, a lot will find it more challenging to live in this world even if the philosophers said that world is meaningless. And the continuation of human life only leads to other problems. Then the competition of foolishness is happening again because they’re following the drunk.

I close this article with this part of the law of comedy

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ ۖ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا

“O you who believe, stay away from most prejudice, because in fact some acts of prejudice are sins and do not find fault with others” [Al-Hujurat: 12]

The law of comedy told us not to have many prejudices. It not only prohibited us to do “bad prejudice”, but more generally, don’t make many assumptions.

When we are looking at someone who is smiling we can’t assume something about the smile. Or when someone is looking angry or sad, we don’t assume the reason for the expression because it will lead again to subjectivity.

Like this guy,

We can’t assume his smile is a fake because after that event he committed suiceide. Because there are things we can’t predict and all moments only need to be understood at that moment.

There’s no thing as stability, and everything has or will be changed. So we don’t need to assume or worry about something. It will lead us to mistrust about this world, and we will look at the world as fake because from Chester Bennington, we will see that he might be smiling, but deep down he is depressed inside.

Actually, we don’t have the rights or power to ask whether this world is fake or meaningless. We need to proceed every problem logically without prejudice and try to prove that something so that every subjectivity is reduced.

And what we can do logically is nothing but to follow the law of comedy. So there are two options two choose from. To ignore, or to fight for the universal rule, the law of comedy.

Don’t prejudice or assume something without intended to prove those prejudices. But what if we assume a good thing about everything and in the process of proving we found out at the end that there is nothing good about everything? Or reverse?

Or what if we assume everything is a combination of good and bad and in the end of proving we found out that it is only exact good or exact bad? Or reverse?

Or what if we assume everything is a joke?

What assumption do we need to choose? What absurdity do I have to be absorbed in order to learn the unlearnable things like this subjectivity matters?

Actually I want to learn how to write and tell jokes. But I guess I absorb the wrong resources, damn! Accursed those who recommend me philosophy as sources of how to make jokes. It is nothing funny at all. Or is it?