When I was in the last year of Junior High School, I forgot about the details of the event actually because it was 3 years before. I forgot why at that time the upper stairs were unoccupied. I forgot about the number of my friends that come there. I only remember the three of us were playing this game and the feeling of being moved by ‘something'.

There were groups that talked about something that they had never experienced before, and they assembled talking about that and made me and my friends curious about that.

When we approached them, they said that they really experienced that thing. They said that their fingers are dragged by something and from their gestures to explain that, I thought that they’re just joking and hallucinating.

So I mocked at them and challenged them to prove that it is really “worked”.

I thought that they’re playing with a usable board from a seller or something so it can’t be manipulated. But they’re just using a piece of paper and writing the character as suit as the real board. And because there was no board, we’re using a locker door to cover and make the board is like the original one. And we’re not using a moving indicator that looks like in the movie that the shape is like a triangle with an eye of antichrist, we’re only using 500 rupiahs coin.

And after we’ve completed the property to play this game, we’re going up stairs where the atmosphere is very creepy because there were no people on that floor. And still, after the property had been collected, I still didn’t trust them, that maybe it was sort of hallucination or the game had been tricked.

But then, We’re playing this game. The three of us are the people that challenged and didn’t trust them, so we are the ones that hold the coin. At that time I forgot about the number of people who come there, what I remember is less than 10, and maybe 7 people including 3 of us.

I’d still remember the formula. The one that really understand this, told us to round the coin in the center and read together 3 times this magic,

“Spirit spirit of the coin, Let’s play with us” 3x

I didn’t know maybe this spirit is fluent in english so we had to speak it by english. I was still laughing at that time and didn’t trust when I read the magic until we’re saying hello, the coin was really moved.




At that time I was really nervous and my nape was frightened

Then we’re trying to ask several questions, and it was really moving.

The question that I still remembered is,

“How many of us are in that place?”

The answers were more than one than the truly.

And after several questions, the coin was dragged out of paper, and it was really making me more nervous and scared out of hell. My friend who used to play said if we want to end that game we have to make the spirit dragged to the ‘goodbye’ words or if it didn’t want, we have to force it.

Gratefully at that time I can easily ask the spirit to goodbye and didn’t have to force the coin to ‘goodbye’. But the next game is really hard to dragged to goodbye and it was not me that played those game. But still, I was confused and scared and my friends too.

After the game ended, I asked my friends to tell truthfully that they didn’t drag the coin. The one is Muslim and the other is Christian. They said that they swear to god not to drag that coin. And from their faces I remembered how scared and anxious they are, like me.

Anyway what are we getting if we lied? And if we lied, how can we even think about the answer from that game fastly, to think randomly about the question and answer. And I still remembered that the coins were moving really fast and so stable. The one who’s tricking must be a genius if it has really been tricked.

So I was going home with an anxious feeling and still didn’t trust the game.

From that event I learnt something that there are a lot of things that I can’t understand. And the ‘spirit’ world is real.

Just kidding, that experiment was hypothesized by scientists as the Ideomotor effect, but I didn’t know how they prove. So I still believe that coin is really dragged by ‘something’. Even if it’s irrational, or you can call it hallucinating, but the experience that I felt at that time feels so real. LOL