sky castle

Machiavellianism believes that every activity that is aimed at the stability of the country or the government is good, even if it ignores some aspects that give chaos, the act to reduce that chaos is considered ‘right’ as long as that act is aimed to stabilize its power.

Every individual is the government of themselves. So based on Machiavellianism, it doesn’t care about the morality or in the long term which influenced the existence of any government or in the scope individual are other people, friends, family, or anyone, as long as they don’t bother the stability of the individual government, the individuals didn’t care because it only cares about its government.

So it is the concept which Indonesia or those who glorify about nationalism taught to its people. They educated their people, that they should stabilize their country and themselves and don’t care about the long term of what they’re doing to any other than themselves.

I don’t know if people considered this as bad, but I agree with the government about this and regard what the Indonesia government does is good.

And I want to look deeper into the educational system of Indonesia to praise what they’re doing.

First, they taught about everything to the students. They believe every aspect is critical to students. So the students have to master all the lessons even if the students don’t do well or don’t like some lessons.

If the students got a bad score in topics they didn’t really like or not good at, it designs so that they cannot keep moving forward and stuck in that lesson.

Students with strict parents will think if their grades are bad, it will make their parents disappointed, even though they don’t like the lesson. Then the other alternative he could think of was how to make a good grade no matter what. Of course, all of these things are aimed at stabilizing his power.

The students who faced those things can’t complain about the system, because it wasted his time only to stabilize its condition, and they looked to others and there’s no one to complain. I don’t know if maybe it will make them fool or something, or maybe this is the success of those who create this system.

And not only that, it made the students unconfident with what they could do. Because they’re forced to master all the boring things they cannot do. They are saturated with these things, then they wouldn’t have much time to explore what they want and truly can do and then do escapism that ignores all matters except themselves.

For individuals, they fill themselves with playing games, watching movies, enjoying fiction, and any others to escape and fill their boredom from learning all the boring things. It is okay if it is done only for refreshing for a while or want to focus and to be master at it. But when it is only treated as fulfilling their desire without awareness, it could destroy someone’s life. The worst is they think of what they did as a form of ‘Self Love’. But I would say it is self-destruction. But this is the success of the creator of the system.

In a collective, they create community, fool parties, momentary pleasure, and the purpose is only aimed at their groups ‘happiness’, so they ignore that there were many who were unlucky unlike them because the system made them do so. Then they consume all things that can make them look trendy, rich, and powerful, even if they don’t really need it.

It caused jealousy because of its delusional value, more people who want to be like that, and that event leads everyone to strive for something delusional. But the creators of that system approved that behavior on the grounds that their activity is increasing the economy. Even though the truth is they are competing for foolishness.

But it cannot be seen as foolishness because the creator of the system is stating that it is something good, to stabilize its power. And they design everything so that there is always only a winner or a loser. And to prevent anarchy from the loser which they classified, the designer of the system made the stage system full of luck, cheat, and manipulation like SNMPTN and SBMPTN in my years.

They create a system that fools all of them to stabilize their power, so they can grow higher and higher with their delusional power.

It made everyone who stuck in that system only cared about themselves and made them less empathetic about the world because they are educated only to think for themselves so that they can feel powerful, while actually, they did not. Only the creator of the system that has greater delusional power.

It loses hopes to those who struggle in the system, to contribute and tell their aspiration. It made them feel weak and to treat their weakness, what they only can do is to consume all the things provided by the creator of the system so that at least they could feel powerful, while actually, they did not.

Some people didn’t agree with this system, but I praise the creator of the system. This written only looks from the cynical view and positive aspects of Machiavellianism, it does not include the negativity or what lies beyond positive and negative. If you see all of them you will praise this system as much as I do.

It always taught its people to have their control, the stability of their delusional power. While the people struggle only about themselves, the creators create regulation so that they can stabilize their power by being masked by social welfare, even though what they are actually doing is nothing more than to fool the people.

And I think it is really a success of those who create the educational system, to fool its people, to stabilize its power.