
Based on any history books, Japan colonized Indonesia for 3.5 years, from 1942 until 1945.

But it is only based on books, it probably less than that, or it probably still occurred until now.

The funny thing is The Japanese weren’t taught about Indonesia, at least from my limited resources from

The Youtuber asked 2 Japanese teenagers to guess about where he comes from and so on. And whenever he talked about Indonesia, they didn’t know anything. But after he told about Bali, the 2 Japanese teenage girls just realized that Bali is part of Indonesia.

They didn’t know that their ancestors have been colonized Indonesia for 3.5 years based on history books, not including the music & film, tourist destination, or culture from there which we consume until now. Or because they didn’t force us to consume it cannot be seen as colonization and slavery. Or maybe we could see that we are committed to being the slave of Japanese artists today.

It is funny for me that I am aware whenever I consume this kind of things, I knew the fact that Japan has been colonized Indonesia, and still consuming more from there. And aware of these things made me remember my history teacher from high school.

I’d still remember he opened his lesson with positive vibes and humor. He included the slides of Japanese Colonization with H and E anime posters. Of course, it is still censored only to break the ice of the class.

And after a few weeks, he suddenly became more cynical about the world, telling conspiracy, told the students that everything in this world is ruled by every businessman.

He gave the students the information about the replacement of a minister in Indonesia because he strived to reject the reclamation in Jakarta and be replaced by a businessman known as the lord of everything in Indonesia who supported the reclamation.

He gave example again that the one ex-candidate vice president is a businessman too, and that’s why he could leap from the vice governor, even he hasn’t completed his length of service, he can easily to propose to be a vice president because he is a businessman.

What I remembered too is he suggested us to read Noam Chomsky’s books.

I think there’s a lot of people who can’t finish the books or read nothing at all because what do we get from there? To know about the history of crime business in the world, the genocide, and any other practical political business which influenced a lot of innocent people, what is the purpose of reading those kinds of book except to hate the world?

I still couldn’t hold my laugh when my teacher talked about that seriously, Firman walked in front of my class and yelled and shouted,

“Konspirasi!!!”, in a funny tone and it really represents this meme.

I respond to my history teacher in 2 ways. Maybe his brain is damaged by full of conspiracy because he read a lot about history, and second, maybe he is true and the world is a really hateful places.

I didn’t accept the first because he is a genius person. I didn’t know how to prove that but I believe he is a really kind and intelligent person because he taught the students full of passion and fun. And of course, I didn’t want to accept the second possibility because what do I get from hating this world?

If the problems above are likened to two pills and I forced to swallow one of them, what I can consider is asking who forced me to swallow one of the pills why they are forcing me. I didn’t care about the rest of the event because there is no scene like that in the real world. Or maybe there is.

Of course, we already knew that concept of a country is nothing more than the new racist. And come again to the problems with the Japanese this generation with the generation of ours today, we cannot compare what their ancestors did to our ancestors in the past. Or can we?

Or it is only the kind of political correctness from ourselves to deny that we are still colonized by them, by every sneaky political businessman?

I don’t know. What I knew for sure, Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san is a light romcom that can make a lot of person to love Takagi-san even though she always teases the protagonist. And actually, we might be like to admit that we are loved being teased by someone, by any sneaky political businessman.

Because teasing is a form of care, and we always like being cared for, don’t we?