bumi manusia ikan

Let’s praise the old Indonesia’s government who succeeded at doctrined the boomer generations or in their length of service about the danger of communism.

Including one of the books banned from circulation at that period, namely “Bumi Manusia”.

It’s actually quite strange when we see that the book was banned during the Soeharto’s period because of indications of communism there. But after I looked further, the government in the past was really clever and genius.

They disguise themselves as fools. The point is, I am sure that that there is no indication of communism in the “Bumi Manusia”, and it made the previous government look stupid, how did they prove that there is a struggle for communism in that book?

They don’t prove, they just accuse, and that’s what their genius is. It may seem like satire, but maybe you haven’t seen much more clearly on the matter.

And let me explain further.

What the previous, authoritarian-looking government wanted to fight was not communism, but it was much more than that. The act of genocide, the silencing of freedom of speech and so on is not a form of wanting to become something powerful, but they want to spread another spirit to rule.

And the thing they are fighting against is, Humanity. Yes, humanity.

The moralists consider that humanity is the ultimate form of believal system. They perceive humanity as the highness, “humanity above religion”, they said.

And I think it is what the past Suharto regime wants to erase, Humanity.

The reason why the book Bumi Manusia is prohibited from circulation is not because there is an indication of communism there, but because the book has made people aware of humanity.

In communism there is an aspect that is upheld in high esteem, namely humanism. In other words, although Bumi Manusia does not explicitly mention communism, the essence of Bumi Manusia is humanity. Thus, the government prohibits its circulation because the book greatly affects people for humanity.

The book was praised by moral people. But I criticize the book, and I am more supportive of Soeharto Rezime’s actions. It is clear that what is considered to be the highest, namely Humanity, is nothing more than life-destroying nonsense.

We see at this time how many ecological problems, how social gap is increasing, how many corruption, and another problems in Indonesia. The number is neither reduced nor increased. It seems that the problem is reduced by technology, but in reality the problem is permanent. It never increases or decreases, it just passes to another form.

The effectiveness and efficiency echoed by moralists is an example of this ignorance. What do the effective and efficient aim to achieve? Of course the naivety of something, the low cost, the high profit, and nothing else, is intended only for humanity.

What is a group of humans trying to achieve?

What boundaries is it trying to break?

That is the biggest question of humanity. And the regime last year tried to erase this disgust, namely humanity.

The Great Businessman always tries to erase every form of humanity. Free competency, rights of property, and the governments as the protector of the capital will be taxed so it can’t be looked as pleasing to weak people. But who cares about the little people? Only ignorance cares about the little people, only ignorance fights for humanity.

Ecology or civilization?

Environmentalists believe that maintaining ecology is the greatest form of human virtue. Humanists pick the distribution of wealth or civilization or society to be the biggest virtue.

While it is clear that the main problem of the environment is society, especially those who have powers.

So the solution is clear, environmentalists should vanish all the people, then nature will be conserved. Because we knew that humans are the problem.

Or in the view of humanists, they think that they should keep humans from going extinct. By the economy, they’re tryin to be productive, effective, and efficient. In order to be efficient or make a productive economy, they should do the fraud.

What they should do is nothing but to deceive people to buy, to consume everything. And they are trying to doctrinated people to buy their businesses. Then there is an economic distribution. Poverty has also not been successfully eliminated, after all, which fool would want to protect the poor?

Some said that it was a traditional and cynical view that we’re segmenting something which shouldn’t be done. But then the greedy people suggest that we should maintain and keep both of them, the humanity and ecology. 

Then the next question is, “Then what’s next?”.

After all the problems have been solved, what should we solve next? Isn’t having no problems a problem? Anyone who doesn’t have a problem is the one who dies.

After the post scarcity has happened, could it be everything just the same, so normal, don’t have any problem? And of course that is a problem.

If somehow we’re developing artificial intelligence, where a lot of artificiality is located all over the earth, can we guess what is real and what is not? What is the urgency to answer the metaphysics question?

It looked like a zero sum game, no matter what you are doing, the future just doesn’t care about you. But I perceive this as Game Theory, where everyone is just the same, and the game becomes boring. But I love boringness, and people too. Too boring that it can make you die quickly.

Let’s see an example of a self driving car. When 2 people suddenly run to the front of the car, and the 2 people are separated on the left and right of the car, while the car’s speed cannot be stopped suddenly, what will the car do?

What kind of statistics calculations do cars use? Does it immediately swerve and crash his own car at the risk of being in the driving seat, or crashing into the person on the left, or crashing into the person on the right?

Cars can answer questions about logic and math and statistics.

But can they answer ethical questions?

Many argue that the AI ​​that we are now only programming and there is no indication that it will make humans extinct.

But can we calculate the odds, or whether we will still survive or perish?

When given the experience of mafia films and cynicism about humans, what will the robots decide in the future? When they were given a show data about Kingsman, Infinity War, GodFather, Peaky blinders, Dr. Strangelove, what would they learn?

Can they decide that a lot of environmental and ecological problems are caused by humans? Then after being aware of those things, what will they do next?

Are they going to oppress “purification” which they produce virus to be implanted in our brain so that we don’t do stupid things, so that every human will be just the same, to make “good” all of humanbeing. Is it good or bad?

And I think it is the main problem why Bumi Manusia is dangerous. Our society today continues to step on the gas in the development of science with the aim of humanity. They don’t know that humanity is really dangerous. It is the reason why the Suharto regime prohibited the circulation of this book. The book teaches about humanity. And that is no good for anyone, apart from the humans themselves?