All environmentalist or Marxist or someone who strive for Utopia should follow this community,

There must be the will to neglect to be successful in something, ignore the mediocre. Challenging the status quo means to ignore the feeling which could come from everyone or everything. Or is this not neglect but a form of caring? Because of that, Ethics is the least important material studied in business.

Developing philanthropic businesses and green companies continues to be encouraged by every business curriculum even though this is foolishness. With will to power, every human being does not need to be taught this because when the will to power comes into contact with these things, everyone will realize that his will to power is completely foolish.

In every way of the will to power, there must be some souls to be satisfied. This is the simple logic but still I don’t know why the business curriculum should teach about the business responsibility.

The premise is,

The peace and happiness are the part of will to power

I mention these 2 things because they are somewhat perceived as “superiority”.

A person’s peace will be disturbed when expectations differ from reality. (To hell with the definition of reality)

When peace is disturbed, people will try to fight back to achieve the will to power.

Environmentalists believe the environment is everything so when they see any circumstances where the environment is harmed, they fight for the environment. Then the environment became their god.

Altruists believe people are everything. So when there is a lot of gaps, injustice, discrimination, racism, and everything involved people, they fight those who they feel damaging.

And any other condition that irritated someone could be cured by fighting for it. I rather say the intercection towards everything that could make everybody feel satisfied or achieve the will to power is the condition called Utopia.

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed”

Nothing is different. Everything is only changing its form.

The Utopia is perceived by environmentalists, altruists, or futurists, all of which are essentially the same.

Let’s get to the point.

See the environment there in the community of Hårga. There are a lot of green aspects. It is not overpopulation and they didn’t pollute the environment, manifestation of all the environmentalist desires.

Because they follow a rule, a tradition which they don’t abandon.

They keep the lineage to remain pure and in numbers.

If there are advantages, they destroy those who should perish with the assumption that “no one perishes, all obey the cycle of tradition”

If there is a shortage, they send their missionary to the outside world to invite them to become a sacrifice.

And because they follow all the traditions wholeheartedly, they always are in the state of “happiness”.


Outliers couldn’t see it because they didn’t follow the tradition.

Everything about them is stable. A lot of people kind of longing for those kinds of circumstances, aren’t they? Social interaction without technology, there’s no stress in everything they did, just follow all “The cycle of life”.

All above is the perspective of traditional society, then let’s take a look at the modern world, Utopia perceives by the modern people:

A lot of technology. Full of automation. Nothing to do but games. Space exploration. Feeling powerful. Post scarcity. Full reverse engineering. Justice and peace. Everything is perfect. And same.


Then what is the difference between modern and traditional Utopia? It is like what’s been mentioned before.

The law of conservation of energy.

Everything just changes shape.

No matter traditional or modern, everything is perfect. The utopia always gives winning to the part of it. Everyone will get their will to power after utopia happens. Or at the same time, because everyone is full of power, then nothing is powerful.

When everyone is powerful enough, it means nothing is powerful.

When it happened, it shows us

that we are in the Heaven

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