I always don’t agree with punishment of a bully because for me, it is an act which doesn’t value nature. Evolution means no matter how strong or clever you are, if you can’t adapt to change, then you die and disappear from the environment.

Manipulate or engineering seems all the same. But they are both completely different. Punishing the bully means manipulating the environment, not engineering the environment.

Manipulating always makes the object lose something manifest as purpose. So I didn’t like the punishment of a bully. It disturbs the environment, the real nature. Even though the intention is good for the object, it only lasts for a short period of time because in the end, nature will close those gaps which were created by manipulating the environment.

I am always disgusted by anyone who fights bullying or immoral people.

Moral people are no different from bullies. They are just turning their stature with something that pleases the crowd, even their true selves are nothing different than the bully.

It is like the fighter for democracy, the fighter for equality, a manipulator who tries to be good to be the savior of the broken, beaten and the damned. I mean, manipulators are not wrong, but I just don’t like manipulators, or I like them, I don’t know exactly. But what is clear is they are not different from the bully.

Bullying is part of nature or evolution. It is only the form of competition, where someone who lost could die, but with the right amount of that, it can make someone who is being bullied become greater than ever before.

Challenging homeostasis means to get out of the comfort zone. I mean, those who are weak, can’t be ignored, unless they want to still be in the comfort zone, not to grow nor to develop. It is something common in the system of evolution where who can adapt will survive, even can be a beast after they got something that pressured them. Then their condition will grow and being developed.

Businesses, investing, systems developing, learning, work out, and everything need this kind of pressure. Let’s see this investing thing, there’s something called J- Curve

time x performance

It means that, with a little amount of ‘resources’, it can make the businesses grow higher while of course there is a state which is decreasing or at the bottom of the line or in the cliff. But as we can see, there’s always a cost if you want to grow.

In the system of muscles, we can see if we want to make our muscles get bigger, at first we need to ‘hurt’ our muscles. Then with the right amount of nutrition and resting, the muscles will become stronger and bigger.

I will take an example again. Business would stand, but could not grow bigger if it maintains the same activity, if it maintains the same cost. The profit and the brand will not become greater. The development of any system always comes from something awareness that the system could process effectively. The problem is, who is going to say that the system actually could be more effective and efficient?

So in that case, there must be someone who is negative or positive that needs to tell someone, or in this term we couldn’t see the state of this activity, if we only see them in the process. What I want to tell you about is, the process is simply all in vain. Only a fool who is watching clearly about the process. Because in the end, everyone only sees the result. No matter if the process is good or bad, the result always comes first.

In this way, many organizations or businesses always need someone who is negative or pessimistic or I rather say the critical people to tell the truth about the system they are developing. In the first it will not be accepted by the actors of the system. To move from the old system to the new system needs a lot of resources that a lot of practitioners who are comfortable with the old system will not agree with the movement to the new system. They will said,

“But today is perfect, and we don’t need to change to the new system.”

It is like traditional activities which involve a lot of manual process which is worked by humans, they who worked in the traditional ways, resist and didn’t want to transform to the new, even though the new system is better and more comfortable, because they only see what is in the process, not the result.

They see that the transformation will cost a lot of energy and combine with their condition that the system was still operating well.

But this is the problem. Businesses not only want to be steady, but businesses want to grow, and monopolize everything so that they could take advantage of it.

So can you imagine the world without the challenger of the status quo? What kind of boring world is it? They don’t want to move on, they don’t want to grow. Then evolution play its part, destroying those who can’t survive or adapt.

As we can see, a lot of people that perceive the negative, bad, pessimistic, immoral, and the like are actually really needed by the system to tell the truth and objective about the system. With the rationale of that kind of opinion, the system could take that as a feedback system and try to be better at all of those operations in those systems. It shows us clearly that it also applies to bullying.

So because of that reason, I always hate those who hate the bully. I mean, they’re just telling the truth, they just try to set aside some who are those fit with the condition at that time. In the worst case perceived by the majority of people as making the trauma for the victim, or even leading to death, I mean there’s always positivity in that incident. Even though I still don’t understand the people’s purpose, collectively in the world. So if utilitarianism is the option, where the majority need to be satisfied, then bullying until the victim is dead is not so wrong. It reduces the population and you know the rest.

But the problem is when the victim has something potential to save the world or to invent something and so on, then in this case, this bullying cannot be forgiven. And after there’s such an incident, even though the bully is stupid, it can still be a feedback for the majority of humans that we should think about the best system so that we could preserve and keep our human life and not extinct.

Based on the bully which got a rational and objective mind, I would suggest these in order to be a good ‘investor’ for the victim and himself:

Make sure that you’re bullying the right person.

You can bully someone who is really assholes and you have a kind of prediction that this person would become destructive to the world. I think all of you understand this so I would not explain this ..

Not only that, the right person means, there is someone who is resistant to a lot of forms of bullying and you have this feeling that this person will fight you back or has the motivation to revenge on what you did so he will learn everything to make you miserable in the future. But you need to make sure that the bully is not like this ‘The Silencer’ from “3 Idiots”


What I want to do is make sure that someone who you are bullying has ‘good’ morals. I don’t know about the definition of good, but please make sure that the person will act exponentially better than before you bully. Exponentially better means they got something to be proud of and not to destroy the world or person or anything, but it is rather a proud achievement which improves the world and motivates anyone. It is like someone who is successful and tell in the TV or anything popular media,

“I was being bullied, but now here I am .”

And to the bully whose fool enough to distinguish morality and retarded emotionally, I know that they’re not gonna take this advice, because they’re not gonna read this and lazy to think about anything. So What I could suggest is only to society. Please, make a better system so that someone doesn’t have the power to bully. The detail of the system is like a social credit systemwhich I have ever mentioned in articles before.

My point is still, I hate anyone who wants to make punishments for bullying. Based on the advantage I have mentioned above, why do you still hate bullies? It is fun and makes us feel so powerful, isn’t it?