film moneyball

At first, you’re afraid. You try a little bit and you get something that keeps you trying. Maybe at first you fail, then you have no idea why you didn’t fail, and after didn’t fail at such a big amount of games, you just ask, what’s the point? 

It is not hard to romanticize everything. Every little loss you consider as something to learn, or didn’t take something because you know that something is not gonna work, or succeed you get after you’re tryin. It is easy to romanticize everything.

Not to enjoy, but romanticizing, what’s the difference? One results in fun, and the other results in a love. But it is just the work of poetry, the work of perspective. The work of something someone might be called as stupidity, something someone might be called as a gift.

“Don’t play games too much, it will destroy you.”

“Go out of your job, be free!”

“Don’t often do something stupid because it will creepy your future.”

“Don’t think too hard, it will stress you!”

“Don’t think small because you will not see anything”

You’re gonna lose it all. Everything.

It is funny when everything goes wrong, you will see something as called “The Truth”.

Science cannot win! That’s a conjecture. Science could achieve everything! That’s a conjecture too.

You may see some kind of conjecture and prove. But can we see it as a proven or a temporary proof?

An subjective experienced management would not approve new rational methodological processes because he knew it would not work. It is just an intuition but it could lead to something temporary proof.

A high risk manager takes a new perspective and does science based with every statistical and mathematical method to process something. He ignores an experienced subject who spent a long time in that field and acts mostly by feeling because he believes that his method is gonna work and it could lead to something temporary proof.

In the Moneyball, fortunately, the science based is win. Does it prove that science always wins? Does rationality always win? I don’t think so.

Come again to the first, you didn’t fail at so many times, then you asked, what’s the point?

He, with his friends, temporarily proved that his methodology is working to make the team win. But at what cost does he win? Within the scope of his team, he won. But take a look further the impact to the other sides.

With a low budget, the team can win a lot. Proven that everything can be efficient by mathematics. When it is known by others, the others will romanticize mathematics to become something as valuable. When a lot of people know this, this methodology will always be used for any other aspects.

It means that the selling or the trading for the players will be easy. Current and potential ability easily understood, and when everyone is understood, could it be there’s no more shitty player? Could human training more and more so that it will leap the potential and erase the “unneeded” player? What do we know about potential?

GAMES PEOPLE PLAY #9 - Baseball, Bill James & MONEYBALL

Sometimes a person can see value in something and the other is not. Some people see commonality as a good, some say being different is better. Some wonder why there’s a person who can spend his time only by his computer. Some don’t get why the others are buying something overpriced for them. Some people didn’t like sports or games. Some nerds wondering why anyone can be so stupid not to read data and what has been written to know about the world.

Everyone complains. But I guess, that’s actually good or it’s perfect. It gives us the ability to romanticize something.

“Mocking yourself with your own work is perhaps a spoiled pleasure. Maybe that’s where his pitiful imaginary world was born.”

And I still believe, romanticizing something is always needed for us. And I emphasize again that some say romanticizing something is called weakness.

To romanticize or not to romanticize, you choose what you want.

But what is clear is if you pick not to romanticize, then you will end up in rationality or you’re just romanticizing your neglect of romanticizing.

And if you choose to romanticize what you’re doing, it is clear that you need to build gaps. Because you want something different, you want to romanticize what you do.

It means that you’re not using science. Or you are using science so that you can’t feel romantic over everything. Or with this, you romanticize everything using science so that you cannot feel anything.

But I rather ask,

“How can you not be romantic about baseball?”