The needs of every human being are very strange

When I was a junior high school and tried to get into selection of math Olympiad, I was failed. I've never been good at being grateful, even though I'm quite old.

At that time, I was looking for someone to blame, I wish I had a typical Asian parent who forced their kids to study hard. My parents are somehow religious, but unfortunately, they really make a democratic system which have this kind of problem.

“Di Negara demokrasi kamu bebas bicara apa saja tapi duit harus cari sendiri. Di Negara komunis makan dicukupi tapi kamu gak boleh kritik pemerintah. Di Indonesia kamu dilarang kritik pemerintah tapi uang harus cari sendiri”

(Cak Nun)

I blame them for my failure because they didn’t try to help maximize my potential. While any typical Asian parent make her children to join lots of activities, hobbies, like piano lesson, sempoa(abacus/swipoa) or KUMAN courses, English courses, my parents don't do that. I knew that they are not lacking money, I knew that they just have no idea about what I want, so they just give me freedom to choose and try everything. But of course, I was stupid and lack of experience, so I don't know what I should try. And after failed at that math Olympiad selection, I blame my parents because they didn’t try to search what best for me. While at the other condition some kids have strict parent and want to get freedom to play with friends or games, but here I was, at that time I want to have a strict Asian typical parent who force me to try everything at that time. The needs of every human being are very strange.

Lets see this proportion of porn in the internet at 2013 from the Silicon Valley movie series,

Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon And Twitter Combined

With different characteristics, just imagine if those things are used as something more productive like learning. The resources, imagine how many areas have not been touched by electricity and how much electricity and electronic equipment is wasted that can be saved so that resources can be maintained.

I mean, just look at the selfies from the people.

“Data creation is exploding. With all the selfies and useless files people refuse to delete on the cloud, 92%of the world's data was created in the last two years alone”

– Gavin Belson

And any company doesn't want their sources to be wasted, they really need data and keep data lakes to the storage so that they could decide based on those data. Yesterday, data is only about transactional and viewed as a trash. Now, every click, your time to spent at some applications, going from one to another is being tracked by the company. They keep your collection of data which lately been view as trash. The needy of data.

The need is always change. Yesterday it may be unpopular and ugly but today it is something to be needed. Just look at the most popular songs today, which has a weird lyric with weird videography. But somehow people perceive that as art, and therefore it is really art.

Bitcoin, a virtual money which yesterday perceived as useless and shitcoin. Now, it's value is more than $20k. The need is very dynamic. We don't know what society needs at tomorrow. Just look at the modern development, it is hard to be ugly now. Well maybe, when ugliness became so rare, could it be needed in the future? Well, I just never understand, and maybe we could never understand about the need of ourselves and society. But at least, could we stop following the need of madness society?

Don't bee to serious, just for fun and learn :v: