Buku yang menurut saya intro dan conclusionnya wajib dibaca oleh seluruh goyim

Banyak propagandanya. Nevertheless, just learn to love being tricked and learn what can be learned

Awal 2007

Shai Agassi (Nulis paper tentang mobil listrik, mantan top executive SAP), ada hubungannya dengan Shimon Peres untuk inisiasi negara, cari car company, n biaya.

Ingin menjadi negara pertama yang ingin bebas dari bahan bakar minyak

Kenapa percobaan mobil listrik pertama di israel?

  1. Daerahnya kecil, biar gampang dibatasin karena model bisnisnya mirip telpon provider
  2. Ngerti financial, environmental, and security cost
  3. Natural early adopters (negara top 1 dalam penggunaan internet)


Tech Company kebanyakan dari Israel yang listing di NASDAQ. Israel merupakan R&D world leader economy.

From desolate, silent, mournful expanse into one of the most dynamic entrepreneurial country

Kuncinya di inovasi, productivity, entrepreneurship


  • PayPal beli Fraud Sciences dengan cerita konyolnya
  • Chip Intel jadi kecil katanya dibuat sama tim israel
  • Orang Israel terkenal rude honest


  • about the war
  • 23 y.o commander
  • anti hierarchical dimanapun, termasuk militer
  • chutzpah

Ch3 Produk Israel terus diboikot sama arab league dr abad 18-19 tapi orang2nya pinter cari jalan keluar, diem2 bangun company bidang teknologi.

Walaupun diboikot tapi teknologi n produknya selalu bagus dan akhirnya dipakai di banyak negara, yg mana lama2 negara pada normalisasi dngn israel karena butuh produknya

  • Internet pelariannya
  • Orang2 israel kurang dr 35 tahun udah pada plesiran ke luar karena sulit bangun bisnis di dalem akibat sering diboycott, tapi mental inovasinya jalan terus n
  • Nasionalismenya tinggi walaupun di luar : sesama mereka sering ceramah betapa “jago"nya Israel dimanapun

Ch4 Tentang pengaruh militer trhdp mental2 bisnis

In israel, one’s academic past is somehow less important than the military past.

Bbrp contoh company/project nya: -Fraud Sciences -Mamram -Talpiot

Ch5 Studi kasus ttng Singapore, Korea.

Walaupun terkenal karena wajib militer, tapi iklimnya beda dngn Israel yg identik dngn keterbukaan n fleksibilitas.

Negara2 lain ga semaju israel karena budayanya (utamanya orng2 israel menganggap kegagalan atau kesuksesan itu sesuatu yg netral), hidup di daerah perang bikin jd punya insting untuk adaptif trhdp segala kondisi, n ujung2nya inovasi terus karena harus selalu melindungi diri -> banyak startup yg bener2 berjalan

Ch6 Perjalanan Ben-Gurion dkk mempertahankan, menyelundupkan, mengatur, me me me semuanya untuk israel dr 1948 - 1970

Kibbutzim, the most communal city.

“No police, no court, no private money, no private email. The mail came and everyone could read it” — Peres

Leapfrog yang kemudian jadi “Lost decade” gara2 pemerintah terlalu monopoli pasar modal

For the economy to take off, it required 3 additional factors: a new wave of immigration, a new war, and a new venture capital industry

Ch7 Moses operation — memulangkan orang2 jew dr ethiopia ke israel. Israel ke Ethiopia cuman 4 jam, tapi keliatannya kaya ada gaps 400 tahun

Solomon operation

*“Because we are a jew in Soviet Union, we are a victims of anti semit. It means you had to be exceptional in your profession, whether it was chess, music, math, medicine, or ballet. That was the only way to build some kind of protection for yourself, because you would always be starting from behind.” * The nation of the immigrant is the nation of entrepreneur

  • Segrey brint n larry page (founder google) termasuk jew imigran dr Uni Soviet
  • A Bitzu’ist

Ch8 The success of Cisco and the process of building aviation/aeronautical industry in israel

Ch9 Iscar and the buffet test

Ch10 Yozma — pemerintah invest $100jt buat 10 venture capital funds baru, setiap fund harus direpresentasikan oleh 3 pihak, israel vc, foreign vc, israeli investment comp/bank

Ch11 “*Two real fathers of Israeli hi-tech are the Arab boycott and Charles de Gaulle, because they forced on us the need to go and develop an industry” * Ch12 Ch13 Shaikh s dillema — Kritik saran terhadap negara2 arab

The future of the region is going to depend on our teaching our young people how to go out and create companies

  • right to free expression

  • tolerance of experimentation and failure

  • access to basic government economic data

  • agriculture is more revolutionary than industry

  • in 20 years, Israel increased its agricultural yields 17x.

  • Agriculture is 95% science, 5% work


  • scored high on egalitarianism, nurturing, individualism
  • dare
  • kebanyakan yg bagusnya, males cari poinnya lol



  • Majority of Israeli tech companies listed on NASDAQ, making it an R&D world leader in the economy.
  • Transformed from a desolate expanse into a dynamic entrepreneurial country.
  • Key factors: innovation, productivity, entrepreneurship.

Chapter 1:

  • PayPal acquires Fraud Sciences with an amusing story.
  • Israeli team credited for making Intel chip smaller.
  • Israelis known for their blunt honesty.

Chapter 2:

  • War experiences, often led by young commanders.
  • Anti-hierarchical culture, even in the military.
  • Chutzpah (audacity).

Chapter 3:

  • Arab League boycotts Israeli products from the 18th-19th century, but Israelis find innovative solutions and quietly build tech companies.
  • Despite boycotts, Israeli technology remains high-quality and eventually adopted by many countries, leading to normalization with Israel.
  • Young Israelis often travel abroad due to challenges in establishing businesses at home, but their innovation thrives.
  • High nationalism persists abroad; Israelis frequently highlight their prowess.

Chapter 4:

  • In Israel, military service often valued more than academic background.
  • Examples: Fraud Sciences, Mamram, Talpiot.

Chapter 5:

  • Contrasting case studies: Singapore and Korea.
  • While both have mandatory military service, their cultures differ from Israel’s emphasis on openness and flexibility.
  • Israel’s unique cultural elements drive adaptability and innovation, especially due to living in a conflict-prone region.

Chapter 6:

  • Ben-Gurion and team’s efforts to build and protect Israel from 1948-1970.
  • Kibbutzim exemplify communal living.
  • Limited policing, court systems, private money, and email in early Israel.

Chapter 7:

  • Operations to repatriate Jews from Ethiopia and Soviet Union.
  • Immigrant mentality of striving for excellence in various professions for self-protection.
  • Examples: Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and other immigrant Jews from the Soviet Union.

Chapter 8:

  • Cisco’s success and the growth of Israel’s aviation/aeronautical industry.

Chapter 9:

  • Iscar’s success and the “Buffet Test.”

Chapter 10:

  • Yozma initiative: Government invests $100 million in 10 new venture capital funds, requiring representation from Israeli and foreign VCs, as well as Israeli investment companies/banks.

Chapter 11:

  • Arab boycott and Charles de Gaulle credited as catalysts for Israeli hi-tech industry development.

Chapter 12 & 13:

  • Sheikh’s dilemma: Critiques and advice for Arab countries.


  • Israel scores high on egalitarianism, nurturing, and individualism.
  • Emphasis on audacity and innovation.
  • Many successes, often achieved with a distinctive Israeli approach.