Cant sleep after sahur and wtf this satan is doing. They said satan is not shown up during Ramadhan. 
But I thought it is proven that I am the satan, after all this time. 
On the internet you can be anything you want. I should've just read quran and pray, but dunno this morning I just mad about OmeTV.

I was trying to learn english, speaking especially. But ffffff only Indonesian there. 
When I check there's an international guy, it turns out that most of them just horny guys and doesn't wanna talk except I am a girl. 
I tried VPN and still not work, maybe thats because its because free. 
I'm a computer science student, 6th semester, but still dont know the concept of VPN and dont want to learn. 
I feel so bad, why am I still detected as Indonesian, I want to learn pleasssssseeeee.
And I was giving up livestreaming. 

So I just tried chatting in omegle. 
When you said you are "M", the other side always just skip you or some OF girls promote their scam link to you. 
SO I tried to claim that I'm an "F".
With the failure of speaking with international people or Indonesian who speak english at Ometv, my mood is ruined.
Maybe that day my fast is just meaningless. 
Dont care and that day I just tryin to act like a doomer psycho girl lol.
Bruh why he really trust that I'm a woman, dunno. I enjoyed it.
My Ramadhan is ruined, astagfirullah.

If im not wrong, it was at approximately at 5 AM when this convo happened...

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!

Stranger: Hey

You: f

Stranger: M

You: 21

Stranger: Oh I thought you were fake

You: im faker

Stranger: Where are you from?

You: sea

You: SEA

Stranger: Right

Stranger: I’m from USA

You: imnot asking you

Stranger: Haha

You: usa is terrible country?

Stranger: It’s ok

You: many said lots of guns there

You: i want to kill people so bad

You: but here in SEA i cant have a gun

Stranger: You’re pretty dramatic aren’t you

You: only police and soldier

You: no im seriously

Stranger: What is SEA

You: have you see a murder in front of you?

Stranger: : /

You: im curious

Stranger: Nope

Stranger: America is usually nice

You: im imagining situation like that

You: and i feel very sorry for the murderer

Stranger: You need a boyfriend

You: why would i?

You: my boyfriend cheating on me

Stranger: Oh

You: and he chatting with my mom

You: boys are fckn crazy

Stranger: You sound kinda crazy too

You: dont blame me

You: some people livin in a bad environment

Stranger: Yea?

You: you need to be grateful

Stranger: What’s your zodiac sign ?

You: if you have supporting family

You: im taurus but i want to kill animals

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: Happy birthday soon

You: people who believe in zodiac is stupid

Stranger: Thanks

Stranger: Taurus girls are hot

You: yea i can even burn you

Stranger: You better not

You: so you want knife or rope then?

Stranger: Uh huh

Stranger: Keep your crazy over there

You: fck i forgot to ask your age

You: im sorryyy

Stranger: I’m 27

You: oh its ok then

Stranger: What is

You: i thought you are 18–

Stranger: Oh

You: i can go to jail if i made a bad influence for you

You: but since youre 27

You: do you believe in hell?

Stranger: Lol

Stranger: Sure

You: are you christian?

Stranger: Sometimes

You: you go to church every sunday?

Stranger: Nope

Stranger: Just Easter and Christmas

You: youre a bad christian then

You: why are you not convert to jew?

Stranger: That’s because you’re a bad influence

Stranger: Are you a Jew?

You: jew is more genius than christian

You: so you think noah and moses are real?

Stranger: Yea

Stranger: And Gideon and David

You: well its pretty rare to find guy like you nowadays

Stranger: Why?

You: many atheist/agnostic doomer

Stranger: Doomer lol

Stranger: I think life is boring if you don’t believe in anything

You: you vote for trump?

Stranger: What country are you from

You: hes conservative like you right?

You: im from SEA i said

Stranger: And yea I voted for trunk

Stranger: Trump

Stranger: I don’t know what sea is

You: googling stupid

Stranger: South east Asia?

You: thats my you need to convert to jew

You: why

You: thats why you need to convert to jew

Stranger: Sea = south east Asia?

Stranger: That’s what google says

You: do you have a job right now?

Stranger: Yea

You: what kind of job

Stranger: I’m a chef

You: wow

Stranger: What do you do

You: so youre expert in a knife eh?

Stranger: : /

You: im computer scientist

Stranger: You’re kinda weird

Stranger: My best friend is a computer scientist

You: dont care

Stranger: Ok

You: are you married?

Stranger: Nope

You: why not

Stranger: Are you ?

Stranger: Because I’m waiting to marry you

You: eew

You: disgusting

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: You don’t like chefs

You: i only like the foods and money

Stranger: I have that

You: what are you cooking

Stranger: I like Italian food

You: pasta is like shit

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: Don’t like pizza either ?

You: do you need school in order to be a chef

You: or otodidac

Stranger: I just bought a restaurant

Stranger: I took a pizza class though

You: do you put pineapple in pizza?

Stranger: No

You: amazing

Stranger: What’s your name

You: can you guess

Stranger: Uh

Stranger: No

You: stupid

You: every jew i met knew my name

You: not my story

Stranger: I think you told me you’re Asian but

Stranger: I kinda think you act like an Eastern European

You: yeah im asian, but i was told lot abut history of jews

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: I don’t know many Asian names

You: my family hate jews so much

You: can you guess my religion?

Stranger: Muslim

You: stupid

Stranger: Islam*

You: what is islam

Stranger: Never mind

You: do you have muslim friends?

Stranger: I used to have one

You: is he weird?

Stranger: I guess

You: how?

Stranger: He was a nerd

You: i have hijabi muslim friend who have scholarship to usa

You: and she got bullied there

Stranger: Oh ok

Stranger: Are you hijabi

You: no im not

You: does american always rough like that?

Stranger: Are we always mean ?

Stranger: I think everywhere people are mean

You: yea sure right

You: thats why i want to kill all of them

Stranger: You shouldn’t talk like that

You: killing them with kindness

Stranger: Oh

Stranger: Funny

You: its sad you know hearing my friend’s story

Stranger: I wouldn’t have bullied her

You: like when you have a dream to go to somewhere, and at that dream place the people are very mean

You: well its just a girl

You: maybe she’s just ugly

Stranger: I might of bullied you though

You: it would be different if shes beautiful

Stranger: It’s probably worse if she’s beautiful

Stranger: All the boys would drool

Stranger: And we have lesbians here too

You: do you like party?

Stranger: Sometimes lol

Stranger: I like to drink

You: i never undestand

You: people who like parties

Stranger: You’re a nerd that’s why

You: yea

You: its stupid you know

You: people are starving, theres a lot of war, conflict areas, and youre just enjoying dancing like you closed your eyes to them

You: i mean

Stranger: : /

Stranger: My names Austin btw

Stranger: Nice to meet you

You: too

Stranger: You’re a pessimist

Stranger: You should be more selfish

Stranger: If you spend your time not having fun all the time evebtuslly you’ll regret it

You: regret is the feeling you need to experienced

Stranger: There’s no reason to beat yourself up over nothing

You: like the burden that you need save many people

You: youre a chef

You: maybe you can help

Stranger: Haha

Stranger: I’m not a philosopher

Stranger: I just want to make money

You: youre a christian

Stranger: Can you tell me your name

You: you need to care for all vurnerable people

You: are you sure that youre going to heaven?

Stranger: No I think I’m going to hell

You: good luck then

Stranger: : /

Stranger: You’re such a drama queen

You: in 25 im gonna be a real queen

You: who slaughter all people and animals

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: What’s your name

You: why you need to know my name

You: like tomorrow youll be forgot this conversation

Stranger: It’s polite

You: by cooking and partying

Stranger: Ok

You: but you need to always remember

You: you need to save people as many as you can

You: because im gonna kill all of them

Stranger: Not if I stop you

You: i can be a good wife, cant i?

Stranger: I dunno

Stranger: You don’t make pasta

Stranger: My mom wouldn’t like that

You: ramen and kimchi better than pasta

Stranger: Nah

Stranger: Maybe if you’re pretty it could work

You: i have a boyfriend

Stranger: lol

Stranger: So you won’t marry me?

You: youre a retard

You: im just gonna marry a jew

Stranger: Oh sad

You: or korean oppa

Stranger: What’s oppa

You: hv you ever watched blackpink?

Stranger: Nope

You: youre not into asian girls?

Stranger: Haha

Stranger: I’ve never dated one

You: but we are attractive, arent we?

You: even so many of us become sluts

You: i hate whores and sluts

Stranger: I think you’re kinda cute in a weird way

You: thanks

Stranger: You’re sorta mean though

You: have you get laid?

You: i cant sort the words

Stranger: Not today

You: how many times are you sex?

Stranger: Yesterday?

Stranger: About 4 times

You: with friends or prostitutes

You: in your lifetime

Stranger: Oh probably about 20 thousand times

You: liar

Stranger: Yes that’s kinda personal

You: sex is taboo here

Stranger: Uh

Stranger: How do you have kids then?

You: taboo if youre not married

You: im kinda hate that free sex too

You: like everything in this world is only sex

Stranger: Haha

You: horny people all over the internet

You: stupid people

Stranger: I don’t know

Stranger: Do you really have a boyfriend?

You: i have dated 3 boys

You: and theyre so boring

You: i dont need romance

Stranger: Do you want to be a lesbian then?

You: i need to kill people

You: my parents will kill me if they found out that im a l

Stranger: Lol

Stranger: Are you?

You: i said i dont need romance

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: Do you have a Snapchat?

You: i thought that apps is already died

Stranger: I have to go to work soon

You: no one using it in here

You: well good luck

Stranger: Can you use it for me?

You: no if youre not interested in following my vision

Stranger: I just want to flirt with you

You: you can be my chef like sanji

You: and im gonna be a pirates king

Stranger: Ok

Stranger: Can I be your pirate boyfriend?

You: no, youre just a chef

You: im already in love with gojou satoru

Stranger: I might starve you then

You: you can easily be replaced

Stranger: Nah I’m too handsome

You: i cant registered on snapchat

You: theres no my country

You: shitty apps

Stranger: That’s cause you live in a made up country

You: theres only colonizers country

You: fuckin racist apps

Stranger: Lol

Stranger: It doesn’t work?

You: yea only imperialist colonizers countries that shown up

Stranger: Why not just pick a different country then

You: do you know your dark history of your country?

Stranger: You sound like a liberal now

You: no phone number

Stranger: Oh lame

Stranger: What else do you use

You: kakaotalk

Stranger: Oh

Stranger: That’s not even English

Stranger: I can try that out

You: now you sound like my ex boyfriends

You: very boring and disgusting

You: good luck with your cooking chef

Stranger: Hey

You: so long and goodbye

Stranger: Wait

Stranger: That’s not fair

Stranger: You’re crazy