Looking for a friend who has the same vision as me. The problem is I never have a static view of something called principles. Sometimes I contradict myself, to stand by one vision and principles, but I never did that. That’s why It’s so hard for me to find a friend, friend based on my definition. But I never describe what a friend is. It’s always just intuition that sometimes I know that it fits with us. It’s like there’s a spark. Do you believe in destiny, my friend?

I always believe in what is called destiny. No matter what, no matter how details it looked, it only consists of 1 % which happen to me. It’s not because I never regard that thing called work/effort/etc highly than lucky. Maybe that’s because I was always lucky and it made me look something like that. The problem is I never know what I don’t know and what I already know.

To be a robot or to have a characteristic mechanical. The same input always produces the same output. Most high achievers think that as boring things to do, YOLO they said. But as I said, we never knew the basic things, the fundamental things which made them like that. What are the things that have been making me like that?

The problem is, that it is very complex. And that is what the Twitter/Tiktok or short social media companies see as the opportunity to profit themselves. They knew, the prejudice and the assumption of ourselves, that very complex things will become boring. The assumption always made them think like, well I never became a master of these boring things.

And that is the answer, that the limitation is the power.

To make people believe in the simplest, summary things, what they found can make them master those things. It’s not evil, isn’t it? It’s like the hedge fund manager that sells their product and makes people dream that they can be financially independent by trusting their funds to them. Simplicity is the key to the design. And it includes limiting something. Like Tiktok, very simple, and very fast.

And the quotes from Feynman are always repeated without knowing their context.

“If you can’t explain it as you explain it to 5 years old, it means you don’t understand what you explain.”

It should be seen from the learner’s perspective, but at the same time, it can’t be seen from the learner’s perspective.

“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein.

Contradiction is fun you know? To master things, you need to grasp them deeply so that you can explain them most simply. But that doesn’t mean you can understand things well only based on the simple thing that has been taught to you.

And a place like Twitter and Tiktok made someone who wants to influence others make the simplest explanation of the things they want to tell. The problem is, the novice will think, “I got it, I understand it clearly.”. The stage that the influencers looking for, will make everything so simple, and we lose the deep of the fundamentals that explain it.

It will simply make a discourse in that application. And with the discourse, there will be much more interaction. And that interaction is not intended to provide deep comprehension about something going on, but rather the interaction is just to justify the individualistic needs.

They, the company of the apps like that always tell to the people that they are helping in communications, but actually, they just find the opportunity in human insecurities to maximize their profit. Of course, it is just a simplified thing, and I just write this to make fun of myself.

What they process in the analytical department is mostly garbage. But the products of engineering of that analytical things, if they are honest to the community, well, it could hide their garbage business process.