This day I followed hackathon.

And this disappointment appeared again. When you know something wrong and you just stand still not saying anything, it’s made me feel like a tyrant.

The question from the judge is,

“Is there any potential product other than for gift product? Because it’s too niche if we see this chatbot.”

When my friend tried to answer, which I think it is not according to the context of the question, I feel dilematic too answer. Maybe because I feel so stupid in a hackathon because I don’t have a valuable skill like frontend and product design like my friends have. So I just did my part to work on useless simple backend app and providing stupid question to the Rasa framework chatbot to try to recommend presents/gift to user by their characteristic those one who want them to give.

Yes, it’s a lesson for me, when I feel like I can’t contribute to something, don’t follow it. Don’t try.

But the question from the judge is one that matter. When you know you can contribute and actually you din’t try to comunicate what you know, it means that you’re a tyrant, god dictatorship like who let everything happened even know you can do something about it, and act like you know everything that silence and quiet is the best thing to do.

I mean, it’s trial and error. A few people answer the question so that they feel like they’re active and contribute so much, and intentionally to help the the team or organtization if you’re a presentative of that team.

But as Kierkegaard said, “You’re doing it, you regret it. You’re not doing it, you’re regret it too.”

Beside the events, I got gopay coint so much, thanks to the investor of goto.

And I always thought not everything should be experiment. It wasting resources, but we don’t know whether it might have a positive impact or not to the future. I don’t care anyway, I always follow my intuition, my intuition by observing the data and the data which can’t be observed.

I amaze of my friends idea and skills to implement their idea, especially to help societies. But sadly, for now I might still have a human racism.

Most hackathon ideas are trash. They are using a complicated terms and tools like AI and ML while actually it can be solved easily by a simple thing. And I know that I might overexpected to the AI in this era that can do a further things that human can’t do.

Why no one made an apps to build a little robot animals that can fly and got into human body, let’s said brain, to infect them to do what we want, especially to a corrupt person, to behave as a good person what we want to expect. But what is a corrupt person? what is good?

So 1 or 2 day hackathon is stupid for me. Because in the end it’s the problem of why. The root of the why. By following hackathon, it help you to solve some problems that doesn’t exist. Even the stable business need their time to solve the problems. How can a group of people can solve the crisis that still can’t be answered even today that have been questioned from a far range yesterday.

It’s always the conceptual, the ideas, the imagination of something useless. But I better learn product design and frontend and backend development so that I will not be a burden of my team in the future. Don’t need to really care about the human after all, need to focus on your team.

No space for me to do something, and I might too scared to know what happened after I brave enough to do that thing.

It’s like a paradox. But seriously, you all need to join hackathon and try to contribute.

Don’t be like me that burdening my own team. Your metaphysical question can wait and after you wait, there’s no guarantee, even I guarantee 100% that you will not find the answer of the root cause.

I think I need to move backward little by little. Bug tracing is the key.