black swan

anti fragile

skin in the game

bed of procustes

titik balik ga? gatau anying hoream, masih banyak downsidenya dibanding upside, masih coward, mau ttp diteken apa jadi asshole? gatau aokwoakwoakwok idiot sumpah ini asshole nikolas taleb.

kenapa aing suka bukunya? ada nietzsche, nyinggung alghazali, ibnu rusydi, mitologi yunani aneh-aneh, plato, filsafat tapi trader dan statistik cok, kurang seru apa coba. wibu nerd anjing ga guna sampah masyarakat, lebanon katanya penuh perang, kakeknya gubernur, tapi dapet gawe gimana caranya. nitze (susah nulisnya cuk) dapet duit darimana anying nulis gitu-gituan, bisa baca banyak gitu gimana caranya, connecting the dots banyak-banyak. aing aja belajar bahasa arab pas sd cmn inget sobaul khoir masaul hoir, nnuuuurrrr.

yakali aing harus berjudi, derivative, gharrar, fat tail, statprob aing dapet c++, katanya cari yang susah di short term, aing cmn dapet kalkulus 1 dari jurusan sampah ini ajjggg, make it simple but not simpleer, jadi antifragile tapi masih pengecut oawkoawkakw cari-cari alasan untuk bilang, “nanti lagi lah”. it’s ok to be flanuer, enjoy macam mana, binatang, direject kucing aja aing depressed berguling-guling di kasur berminggu-minggu, sambil nyoba terus baca, addict to youtube, addict to downloading berbagai macam sumber belajar tapi gapernah ditonton, the feeling of get something, I need a long time of span macam kakek munger dan buffet, bias kontttooolll

setan banget distraksi ini anjeeennnggg, aing tuntut sia semua dineraka anjing para pelacur informasi, bikin banyak noise, mengaburkan signal, the alpha (biar kaya ‘financial engineering’), sampah. tapi ttp butuh dionysian, ga cuman rasional tapi dangdut dikit okelah lumayan. jangan novel, novel itu lebih seru ditulis daripada dibaca. coba grasp rumus-rumus lah, kerja nanti dulu.

beban keluarga, anak durhaka, kan udah tau bakal masuk neraka. im sorry for everything oh everything I’ve done. from the second day i was born I think I had a lot of gun and I shot shot a whole to everything’s I love, gatau kenapa bisa begini, terlalu bebas dan positifistik dari leluhurnya, tapi ttp harus anti fragile, tapi gimana coyy da ttp pengecut. lingkaran setan makanya. aahh anak durhaka mari bersatulah, ayo dong isis rekrut aku, I can help you improving your shitty information system so that you can analyze the efficiency of having too much wife, to increase the alpha, to gambling in your approach in religion, ingin jihad aku tuh. ga perlu jihad lawan hawa nafsu, make a jump, duaaarrrrr. fuck lah this step by step epistemologi.

ayo make a jump, persetan yang bawah-bawah, ada sandbox kok, kalo ga ada ya innallillah gpp, kan itu tujuanmu, ingin ketemu yang satu kan, ayolah, anti anti anti fragile. kaya kpop, skrng dimasuk-masukin unsur2 filsuf tai kambing macam nietzsche, bts apa ya kalo ga salah yg persona2 freud itu anjing, jijik bngt. baru baca dikit tapi interpretasinya kemana-mana, mudah menyimpulkan. Lah terus harus gimana? bismillah aku harus berdoa ya allah ampuni baim ya allah, robbana dzolamna anfusana, si telek ini banyak masukin tai, tolong ampuni aing ya allah, tapi judi dikit gpp kali ya hwhwhwhwhwhwhhwhwh. tulisan boleh konyol, tapi ttp harus doa jangan mati konyol :( tapi aing berumur ratusan tahun juga kayanya ttp jadi bocah skeptis dengan tulisan GJ gini, serius ya allah ampuni aiiinnnnnnnggggggggg wooiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strange Phrases

artificia docuit fames - sophistication is born out of hunger

ingenium mala saepe movent - When life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade

necessity really is the mother of invention

peter drucker, jacques lacan

alan Greenspan


  • Me:

do you know a roadmap to be like nassim taleb?

  • :

Nassim Taleb is a well-known author, statistician, and risk analyst. To become like him, one might consider the following steps:

Read widely and deeply in a variety of fields, including mathematics, economics, philosophy, and history.

Develop a strong understanding of probability theory, statistics, and decision-making under uncertainty.

Develop critical thinking skills and a habit of questioning assumptions and conventional wisdom.

Cultivate a contrarian perspective and be willing to challenge prevailing ideas and theories.

Write and publish on topics related to your interests and expertise.

Build a personal brand and gain recognition in your field through speaking engagements, media appearances, and other public-facing activities.

Be ready to face criticism and have thick skin to face it.

Please note that becoming like Nassim Taleb, who is a renowned author and thinker with a unique perspective and set of experiences, will likely be a long-term and difficult journey. But, reading his books, articles and following his thoughts can give you a good idea of his perspective and you can adapt those to your own perspective and ideas.

  • Me:

is there a curriculum to follow?

  • :

There is no specific curriculum to follow to become like Nassim Taleb, as his background and expertise span a wide range of fields. However, some potential steps you can take to gain knowledge and skills in areas related to his work include:

Studying mathematics, particularly probability theory and statistics.

Taking courses in economics, finance, and risk management.

Reading classic works in philosophy, particularly those related to epistemology and decision-making.

Reading books and articles by Nassim Taleb and other thinkers in the fields of risk, uncertainty, and complex systems.

Practicing critical thinking and reasoning by analyzing and evaluating various arguments and perspectives.

Building your own intellectual toolkit through writing, debating, and other forms of active engagement.

Learning about the history of ideas, economics, science and mathematics.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and you should tailor your studies to your own interests and goals, and also consider taking courses or pursuing degrees in fields that align with your interests. Additionally, it’s important to gain practical experience and develop your own ideas, either through internships, research projects, or independent study.