Generation Z is often seen as carefree, facing difficulty in finding jobs, lacking respect for adults, being oversensitive yet savage and brutal, experiencing sexual weaknesses, engaging in deception through social media, adopting a borrowing mentality, having a short attention span, challenging the status quo, dealing with information overload, being exposed to excessive news about corruption, participating in cancel culture, and facing the consequences of global warming. They often associate various issues with mental health. This generation is perceived as weak and lazy, but also woke and hustling.

Why is this the case?

There is something known as the “turkey problem.” We often place our trust in institutions of education, government, and experts. However, there are blind spots and personal biases that give rise to unpredictable events, which can lead to unfortunate outcomes.

Why does this happen?

If we examine addiction from a researcher’s “hammer” perspective, it provides some insights.

We’re all just trying to fill the void within ourselves.

An example can be seen in episode 4 of the anime series “Odd Taxi,”:

In our childhood, we used to exchange items like binders, showcasing our newest toys such as Rubik’s cubes, spinning tops, Tamiya cars, marbles, and kites. It was a normal occurrence until someone who couldn’t afford these items felt marginalized. Consequently, they started seeking material possessions to fill the void. However, it was never enough, and they became a knowledge hunter.

Everything sought in a Faustian bargain… a deal with the devil…

The main problem lies in the incentives, whether they lean towards social proof, knowledge, material possessions, or spirituality. Indonesia may struggle with innovation because the incentives are not heavily weighted in that direction. People have resources, so the economy becomes the primary focus. Then, what comes next? Information. Media outlets manipulate news using various personal biases.

The art of clear thinking, personal bias, and mental models are never taught in schools. The reasons behind this could be subject to further research.

Consider the incentives for teachers and doctors. It all began with a simple conspiracy like the Gold Reserve Act in , which led all countries to rely on the US for borrowing. This resulted in the current state of affairs and libertarian ideologies.

So, how do we educate children?

It boils down to priorities, and once again, it’s a matter of choice. Do you want a comfortable life, to impress others, or prioritize knowledge and depth?

As Carl Jung said, “Those who look outside dream, those who look inside awaken.” Whether the concept of introversion and extroversion is true or not doesn’t matter. What matters is that when someone is incapable of doing something, they hide behind the labels of being an extrovert or introvert.

Whether it’s impulsive shopping, enriching others, or being mindful of your carbon footprint, there are trade-offs in everything.

For me, knowledge and wisdom remain top priorities.

Should one choose to be a believer or a skeptic?

If you choose to be a believer, you may isolate your child and pray wholeheartedly (controlling their choices). However, for me, that doesn’t work. Embracing faith and Islam can be achieved through skepticism, gratitude for being endowed with desires and intelligence to scrutinize the concept of gods.


gen z suka foya-foya, susah cari kerja, no respect for adult, over sensitive but very savage and brutal, lemah syahwat, banyak nipu lewat sosial media, gaya ngutang, low time span, suka challenging status quo, information overload, kebanyakan berita korupsi, cancel culture, global warming, apa-apa bawa mental health, generasi lemah dan malas tapi woke dan hustle.

kenapa bisa gini?

Ada yang namanya turkey problem

bahwa kita sering mempercayakan terhadap sesuatu, misal ke institusi pendidikan, pemerintahan, expert.

banyak blind spot, personal bias, yang memunculkan randomness cikal bakal swans yang nantinya jadi shit happens.

knp hal semacam ini bisa terjadi?

kalo mau liat dari sisi peneliti kecanduan, ini bagus

youtube “66cYcSak6nE”

we’re just tryin to fill the hole

bisa diliat dari contoh odd taxi episode 4,

youtube “KrvKhnSdbks”

pernah ga pas kecil tuker2an binder, nunjukkin mainan terbaru, rubik, gasing, tamiya, kelereng, layangan

its normal actually, until there’s someone who can’t afford it and marginalized

he turns out looking for something, material things, to fill the hole. it’s not enough dan malah jadi knowledge hunter.

semua hal yang dicari untuk faustian bargain… deal with the devil…

masalah utamanya terletak pada insentif, mana yang lebih dominan untuk social proof.

ntah mau berat di knowledge, material, atau spiritual

kenapa indo ga akan bisa inovatif? karena insentifnya ga berat kesitu…

orang2 punya resource, maka ekonomi yg pertama dikuasai, setelahnya? informasi.. media berita dengan memanfaatkan berbagai macam personal bias

art of clear thingking, personal bias, mental model, ga pernah diajarin di sekolah. alasannya kenapa? mungkin bisa diteliti lebih lanjut.

liat aja insentif guru dan dokter, awalnya sesimpel konspirasi gold reserve act pada tahun , yg secara sederhana mengakibatkan semua negara pada kiblat ke US untuk berhutang, dan ya gini2 aja, jadi libertarian retard…

terus gimana cara educate anak?

pilih prioritas, lagi2 ini semua pilihan, mau hidup nyaman, keliatan orang atau knowledge, kedalaman,

“those who looks outside dream, those who looks inside awake” kalo kata carl jung. doesnt matter whether the truth of introvert is exist or not, what matter is when someone incapable doing something, they are hide themselves in term extrovert and introvert.

mau impulsif belanja, memperkaya orang2, cermat terhadap sikap belanja, carbon footprint.

semua ada tradeoffnya,

bagi saya prioritas itu tetap knowledge dan wisdom

pilih jadi orang beriman atau skeptis?

kalo pilih jadi beriman, bisa isolasi anaknya dan berdoa sepenuh hati (control kaya anaknya siapa). bagi saya, its not work. dan branch menjadi beriman dan islam itu ya lewat skeptisisme, rasa syukur diberikan nafsu dan intelligence untuk scrutiny the concept of gods.