
Knowledge Aversion or The Dawn of Pacman

Prompt: make a text/rhyme by theme the dawn of “:v” emoticon with will hunting’s fixed mindset, peter thiel’s frivolity, zizek’s indefinite pessimism, and end it with a little bit of cak nun’s faith style.

What's next after Faustian bargaining
The antics of Silenus
The quantum entanglement
The suppression of emoticon ":v"

Ah to fill the hole
It must have been the wind of ideology
Islamic Sharia law, Chinese totalitarian AI, hyper-environmentalism
To globalize something local
To generalize something special

The first step is understanding the limitation of fractals
Second is the Bartlebian movement, 
a Gandhi without an audience
Quo Vadis?

Perhaps the awakening of Pacman's ideology
1. Eat what you can
2. Eat the big food
3. Then eat who wants to eat you
4. Share what you gain, for the dead

Eat that egalitarian euclidian utopian full of assumptions by the physics envy
Kill the languages, 
be wearing blinders, blind is better, for wisdom sets a limit to knowledge.

Express the unfreedom not with the language, 
but rather with the belief of music of the divine, 
for one might believe in the surreal of transience and eternity.

To sweep the corrupt is to against variety using knowledge, 
which is limited by wisdom (pandemic, nuclear, AI, molecular nanotech). 
It is the same as empowering the Luddites. 
Condemn all with freedom!

Boredom can pretend they don't need the game, 
but only when they are sick they truly realize they can't escape the game. 
Since in praise of idleness is a loss aversion, 
it's time to do subtraction over addition, 
forget all the before and above, 
search among the probabilities 0.01369863, 
music and dance 5 times a day for a lifetime, 
wallahu a'lam.

As the dawn breaks, I see a “:v” emoticon, A symbol of fixed mindset that’s hard to move on, Will Hunting held onto his old ways, Unwilling to see new perspectives, to his own dismay.

Peter Thiel’s frivolity was his guiding light, Believing in success without any foresight, But his heedless approach left him unprepared, A lesson to learn, if he ever dared.

Zizek’s indefinite pessimism fills the air, No hope for the future, no vision to share, But in the midst of his gloom, there’s a ray of hope, Cak Nun’s faith style, a way to cope.

For when all seems lost and darkness prevails, Cak Nun reminds us to set our sails, With faith in our hearts and a purpose in mind, We can navigate any storm and leave doubts behind.

So as the “:v” emoticon fades from view, Let’s embrace growth, let’s seek the new, With faith, purpose, and hope on our side, We’ll find the light that shines bright and wide.

Upaya untuk memberdayakan, mengurangi kesenjangan dan penderitaan, melalui sains, itu sendiri termasuk ke dalam kategori faustian bargain, konsumsi buah huldi.

Serangga buatan masuk ke tubuh koruptor, merekayasa genetik dan pemrosesan informasinya, menjadikannya manusia yang ‘baik’, tidak pernah salah sesuai dengan kesepakatan demokratis.

Upaya rekayasa biologis untuk menghilangkan penderitaan, depresi, kecemasan, dan semua yang dianggap kegilaan lainnya, seinstan rekayasa informasi di otaknya dan konsumsi pil soma, anti depresan, jalan menuju psikedelik, sehingga membuat pertanyaan untuk apa sebenarnya psikologi itu.

Egaliter, tidak ada variasi, serba sama, pencarian kebahagiaan tak hingga, semuanya baik, untuk ekologi. Kehidupan macam apa yang diperjuangkan agama dan sains?

Apa itu intelligence? apa itu consciousness?

Yang atas-atas itu semuanya masih asumsi, spekulasi.

Tapi pembangungan semacam itu mirip dengan Haman dalam Firaun.

Membangun menara tinggi, untuk berkomunikasi dengan tuhan.

Nah masalahnya, ia mengklaim bahwa modelnya itu lebih tinggi daripada Tuhan, dan akhirnya jatuh.

Makanya, dalam artikel dia nyebutin terlalu banyak premis dan asumsi.

disclaimer, authornya gajelas credibility nya

Dan para alarmist itu berandai-andai, entahlah, mungkin nanti ada gempa, atau meteor, atau apalah.

Yang jelas rumpun humaniora semacam ekonomi dan finance itu memang bertujuan untuk memperlambat sains yang terlalu cepat.

Contohnya physics envy…

There is a story that has been going around about a physicist, a chemist, and an economist who were stranded on a desert island with no implements and a can of food. The physicist and the chemist each devised an ingenious mechanism for getting the can open; the economist merely said, “Assume we have a can opener”!

Engineering is hard and works, Econ is hard and never works, karena ia envy sama physics. Dan yang envy itu ga akan berkembang terlalu jauh, karena ga akan sama, makanya gagal mulu, boom bust.

Walau bidah nya udah ditunjukin, kesesatan financial modern, terlalu banyak asumsi, para trader chartist, pemercaya astrology, golongan darah, tipologi kepribadian.

“Bodo amat bener ngga, yang penting bermanfaat. Walau derajatnya dhaif, yang penting baik”.

Terus salah satu upayanya apa?

Don’t act, just think. I would prefer not to:

Itu langkah awal, revolusi lanjutan lagi dimasak pake metode komedi.

Intinya apa? Semoga puncline nya bukan neraka.

Nerakanya siapa? Entahlah, your mom.