devil may cry

Riding a motorcycle to spend time wondering about this nonsense complexity, it’s like everything is nonsense. How would someone live in the present moment? By ignoring something that happened parallelly or in the past or in the future or even in the present. In that case, the will to ignore is the most greedy among the will of other things. I lose my ability to enjoy any Dionysian kind of environment and situation. It’s like when you’re chatting with someone, joking about anything, seeing the blue sea and blue sky, the greenness and brown of the mountain, the sound of ugly birds and cats striving for prey, the twilight of the sky in the afternoon, the fresh air and cold wind whenever the atmosphere is hot. That’s it, what you need is the hot, something that tolerates the hotness in an eternal way is eternal hotness itself, it is never eternal fresh, or cold.

The idea to rationalize everything is irrational. Facts don’t care about feeling, yes, the fact which is bounded to your limitation of vision, hearing, and language. In this case, it’s easy to justify any activity acts by humans. Everything is only acting and justification. Someone invited me to their intention because they feel like I need to be fixed. But any beautiful scenery that is shown to me, I always thought otherwise, like it is not my responsible of me, that I am not right to have this good feeling about this world. When I think about the suffering of others, it is not the number that I really think about, but rather it’s my justification and my representation of something that happened. The condition might be better than my representation, or it might be worse. My mantra is always, it’s not my responsibility, don’t act like you know everything.

The number of mistreated is little, and insignificant, in the perfect and normal world, it should be ignored. I always remind myself that I don’t need to do anything. Don’t act like you’re someone that can erase the little number, the insignificant. You can’t erase them, what you can do is just ignore them. The need to try to act, to do something, is always a fallacy. The need to choose bounded freedom that you want to give to the insignificant is beyond their needs.

You always need to close the bigger’s ears and eyes so they will not realize the condition of the insignificant. They are easily ignored, by the fantasy of they will get better if they are disappeared. Even better when the big realize the insignificant need to be destroyed. Bounded freedom can’t be given, it always needs to be fought, to understand there’s nothing in them. When you think you need to act, you consider yourself as someone better, thus you can’t be thinking that you need to act.

The act itself can’t be done after thinking that you need to act. Whenever someone from emerging countries travel around the world, one should consider and must be hurt, that there are a lot of things in their local world that need to be helped first. But you should not think about this, so instead, you just need to go travel without thinking. The prioritization of what should need to be done first is like a conman. No one need to think about prioritization. Nature is perfect and the act to destroy itself is part of progress, development, the will to grow, and the art itself.

You should become lighter for growth and gratitude that the world itself is perfect. One thing you do always result in a surplus. So it contrasts with the ideas of the zero-sum game. The condition of any game itself, which most intellectuals regard as wasted, gambling, and laziness, could cure someone who is traumatic in the war area. To connect with someone and fantasize about having the need for speed, while he got in war. Or even they are not falling into the game but rather falling into murdering and raping themselves as part of the symptoms for the growth of something. There’s no such thing as evil in the death of a hero. Everyone has their special unique heroism in themself.

By what right you can define and decide this is good for you and also good for others? Someone’s heaven is somebody’s hell. When you try to kill the variation, it means you’re doing your heroism things. To standardize and to normalize, it’s easier to ignore and destroyed something that makes the skew. It means that you kill the significant, or you might say to kill the insignificant. So what is heaven for you? For me, heaven itself is seeing all the gods burn themself in hell, which shows that only when you are really sick you can’t pretend that you don’t need the game.


‘Capturing Moment’ is a term used by capitalistic materialism to market their products. The act itself is futile and meaningless if you believe in simple things like space and time, which are already captured by eternity. Most people fail to realize that they are the true atheists from the depths of the unknown. In some cases, they don’t believe in the sublimity of the capturer, and thus, they constantly seek to prove the trivial tautology. They educate their children solely based on proof rooted in bounded rationality. Due to fear, a child does not believe in something unless it can be proven through pictures, words on paper, or digital mediums.

The ironic aspect is that, in certain specific scenarios, they believe that the paper or digital worlds could attain eternity and preserve what they refer to as the ‘moment.’ They exhibit indifference towards aspects such as corporate bankruptcy, manipulation to eradicate diversity in pursuit of goodness or truth, and other catastrophic failures; nevertheless, they steadfastly hold onto these beliefs. In grander matters, they lean more towards atheism than theism, while in narrower matters, they genuinely place their faith in the power of servers or networks. However, one must ponder, how can one measure the magnitude of these beliefs? This question highlights the limitation of language.