Flexing, greed, pride, arrogance, and vanity are merely perceptions projected by those who feel inferior and envious. In the words of Charlie Munger, the world is driven by envy, not greed.

Every advantage should be appreciated. When does gratitude become excessive? It is only those who envy that impose limits on gratitude. One form of gratitude is sharing fortune and abundance, being free from hunger, having positive relationships with family and friends, possessing material and physical advantages, embodying good morals and spirituality, showcasing talents and creations, and more.

Those deemed greedy will never realize their own greed. Figures like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, with their immense wealth, believe that paying taxes is sufficient contribution to society, allowing them to pursue other exciting ventures.

On one hand, they may lack gratitude, but there is a belief that people do not need them (humility) because individuals can help themselves. Many envious people say, “They should invest in education, solve hunger issues, and so on.” However, the problem is not that straightforward.

There are numerous paths to reach a goal; the only difference is the speed at which they are achieved. Many individuals choose slower paths because the faster ones come with greater costs.

There is an intriguing case study involving charity to Palestine and moral justice warriors (SJWs).


Why do people give to charity? Because they don’t want to think. However, there are faster alternatives, such as controlling their children and adopting the doctrine that “you don’t deserve a happy life; many people suffer. Your task is not to indulge in pleasure like playing games or traveling the world to maximize your own happiness. Instead, it is to help others. If you don’t, you will be eternally cursed. Avoid smartphones and assume that most people are evil. Your mission is to fight them, just like how the leader of a company restricted his own children from using smartphones, as in the case of Steve Jobs.”

Reference: Steve Jobs restricted his kids’ smartphone usage

This influence expands to broader networks, communities, religions, countries, and so on.

The paradox of being rich and attractive is indeed true.


There is something called the “Arrival Fallacy” the fallacy of achieving what one desires. You acquire that knowledge only by existing in such a state. Thus, being grateful for being ordinary is important.

Although I haven’t experienced such a life, I still support those individuals out of empathy for the rich and powerful. It’s a sympathy for the devil, so to speak.

For further insight, you can watch this video:

It’s important to remember that consent can be manufactured, and everything is influenced by ideology.


flexing, greedy, pride, arrogant, dan kesombongan itu sebenernya ga ada, cuman timbul dari persepsi para inferior yang envy. makanya kalo kata charlie munger, world is running by envy, not greed.

setiap kelebihan itu perlu disyukuri. kapan rasa syukur itu dianggap berlebihan? yang ngebuat batasan tentang rasa syukur itu ya cmn yg envy. salah satu bentuk rasa syukur itu membagikan keberuntungan dan kelebihan, keamanan dari rasa lapar, hubungan baik dengan keluarga dan teman, kelebihan materi & fisik, akhlak dan spiritual, talenta, karya, dll.

orang yang dianggap serakah itu ga akan pernah sadar dia serakah. jeff bezos, elon musk, mark zuckerberg, bill gates, kekayaannya berlipat2, percaya bahwa dengan bayar tax mereka udah ngerasa cukup untuk contribute to society sehingga mereka bisa lakukan hal lain yang yang lebih seru.

di satu sisi dia gacuman bersyukur, tapi ada suatu believe bahwa orang-orang ga butuh dia (humility) karena people can help themself. banyak orng envy bilang, “harusnya mereka invest buat pendidikan, menurunkan masalah kelaparan, dll”. the problem is not that simple.

ada banyak jalan untuk sampe tujuan, yg ngebedain cuman mana yang lebih cepet dan mana yang lebih lambat. banyak orang lebih milih jalan yang lebih lambat karena jalan yang lebih cepet itu cost nya lebih gede.

ada contoh kasus menarik, sedekah ke palestina dan para sjw pembela moral

kenapa orang sedekah? karena males mikir. padahal ada yg lebih cepet, kontrol anaknya, doktrin “you don’t deserve a happy life, many people suffer, your task is not to be happy to play games, go around the world, maximizing your group happiness, what you can is only to help them, you will be cursed eternally if you’re not doing so. avoid them smartphone, you need to have an assumptions and fantasy that most people are evils and what you can do is to fight them, like how can people give them kids phone while the leader of the company avoid the kids to touch them like steve jobs”


then influence to more broader networks, community, religion, country, and so on.

paradox of rich and attractive people are true.


ada yg namanya the arraival fallacy, the fallacy of getting what you want. you will get that knowledge if you exist to be like that. you are grateful to become normal.

the reason why i havent go through like that but still support them because its called empathy for the rich and powerful. sympathy for the devil :)


consent can be manufacture

everything is only ideology