What I want to tell to people is don’t believe in someone who said every human is unique. No, they don’t. You could see many Tiktok videos of our childhood. No matter where you were, they were usually the same. It really explains that we’re not really unique. We experience mostly the same thing.

We always lying to each other. For example, to your parents, you don’t want to be looked at as a burden, you don’t want to make them worry about you. So you always fake your condition to be better, if you’re someone whose the majority perceived as kind. And by deontological ethics like this, do you really think what you do is right?

Rocky Gerung, Guru Gembul, their capacity is only to criticize. They always criticizes people for low reasoning. I dare you to give them a position as a people representative, or head of government, I bet tbey will do the same just like any other politician. There are always who own resources that control those who looked in power. Consent can be manufactured and everyone without exception is lying.

Let’s assume another condition. You could be happy and honest with your family. But it is only on the local scale. If you broader your vision’s scale to be global, you will always lie to the misfortune. Let’s give a clear example. If you hang out with your rich circle, let’s say you’re rich, when you face expensive things you and your circle can afford, you all will just underestimate the value and think that as not a very glamorous thing to buy. But if you hang out with poor people, you usually lie to them, especially when they say the thing is expensive, and you will somehow agree with them (let’s talk again: if you’re someone whose the majority perceive as a kind) so that they don’t feel insecure and poor. That’s why most rich people only upload their Instagram stories with their circle only. Because they don’t want to make anyone envy them. That’s a different case if you’re an influencer.

But I think it is a misconception. I somehow always agree with the idea of radical honesty, and some sort of deontological ethics too. What I see is, the influencers who show the audiences all of the highlights they do, are aware of the jealousy of people. And this is something you should consider. There’s an assumption what they’re doing is to show off that, “Oh my followers, we’re on different levels!”. But there’s another perspective, they show their activities because they want you to realize that, “We’re the same human, you could do what I do. There’s nothing special in me”. They somehow want to communicate to you that you can understand them and be like them too.

My point is, it’s the same case with billionaires. People perceive Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, and Musk, as somewhat villains. But what they really want to show you is you can be easily like them too. They believe you could achieve what they have achieved. They really want to be understood. And if we want to do more inductive reasoning to generalize this. We could apply this idea to the gods also. They are very powerful, with paradox and contradiction. You can blame them for whatever misfortune that happens to you and other creatures. They are very powerful and have everything, the great boringness which is burdened on them, the loneliness of the universe, if you really think about it, they want to be understood.

This is why I really can’t accept the concept of religion that we should accept everything that is written in the books as if we should hold our desire for knowledge or reasoning or feeling great. What I feel is they are powerful enough, they don’t need to be prayed, and they don’t need to be feared. If the great thing has a desire, I think the desire itself is the desire to be understood. “I’m in pain! I’m too powerful! You can’t understand me, but at least you can try! You’re my perfect creation which is not automatic. You have free will to ignore my voice or follow my order. I don’t need love from you! You should love each other and you can kill each other. That’s your choice to do whatever you want! I just need to be accepted. I can’t be understood, but at least, you can try. Just try. Don’t give up. Just kidding lol!” God must be an admin from meme websites which has low followers.

This really explains my capacity for the flaw of humans. What I can do is only comment and criticize. The perfect theory exists, but it is only theory, not realization. For a tech worker, someone who is entitled that they can’t be replaced in doing. Not only tech worker, but any worker that feel they can’t be replaced, please realized, that you can be easily replaced in the future. I’m a lazy guy, but I don’t to vanish as fast as I can as I am already dead. I’m just walking dead after doing Faustian bargaining. I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what I want. I just want to remind you. That you’re the same as any other person. You’re just the same as me. So please fight for them. Fight for them is to fight for you also. The powerful, who are in an ethical dilemma feels like knowledge and tech give them power. With more power, it means they could be more effective and efficient.

They want you to fight their greediness, their paradoxes, their contradiction. They really want you just to be like them. That’s why you need to fight for the Luddites. To crush their illusion of freedom, so they could feel what freedom and power mean. Those in power, they really want to be understood. So you as the privileged should consider that also. You want to be understood by them right? For me, this is the will of gods, that they want to be understood, so you should push the boundary of development of knowledge so that you realize the enjoyment of creating your own heaven as well as hell, like what they have been doing until now and will have been doing until the future, endlessly.