Fear is deeply intertwined with human existence. However, it is important to recognize that the notion of a person who is completely fearless is unrealistic and doesn’t truly exist.

Consider individuals who live by the “#YOLO” motto, seemingly unafraid of anything. In reality, they are still driven by fear. They fear the prospect of leading a monotonous life, a perception influenced by societal expectations or personal feelings. Even hedonistic individuals, who appear to live without fear, actually fear the absence of a future. They embrace the concept of “seizing the day” or “carpe diem” to counteract this fear, choosing to live each day fully. Ultimately, all these approaches still stem from fear.

On the other hand, some individuals try to escape their fears by immersing themselves in gaming or similar activities. Conversely, others avoid engaging in such activities out of fear that they may not excel at them.

Regrettably, some people realize too late that they have wasted their lives. The perceived success of an individual, as defined by society, often boils down to their fear of wasting their life away. These individuals embrace a relentless hustle, grinding every day, and operating in a state of flow because they fear being forgotten. They fear the possibility of dying alone without leaving a significant impact on society.

Religion offers solace to those who fear the afterlife. People follow Pascal’s wager, fearing the consequences of not adhering to their faith. Some individuals avoid starting businesses due to the fear of negatively impacting their neighbors. Others fear social interactions, death, or even life itself. Fear manifests in various forms, including the fear of God, gods, or the absence thereof.

Ironically, the most dangerous person is one who feels no fear at all. I have previously stated that the greediest individual is not the one who desires everything but the one who desires nothing. It is impossible to compel or negotiate with someone who lacks desires. This is why fear itself can be seen as a safeguard. When reasoning and imagination fail, the only remaining option to communicate with such individuals may be through physical pain. However, even this extreme measure sometimes proves ineffective as they are willing to endure suffering and death, whether or not there is a reason behind it.

They may question why they should fear the things that terrify most people. By deviating from societal norms, they are not afraid of going broke, becoming socially marginalized, starving, dying alone, or leaving no remarkable legacy. Therefore, the most dangerous person is the one who fears nothing. However, it’s worth noting that someone who chooses suicide is not fearless; rather, they are afraid of living. Hence, fear ultimately underpins everything.

What keeps me going is my own fear. What exactly am I afraid of? I am afraid that I will never discover what truly warrants fear. Perhaps, in the future, I may come to the realization that there is nothing to fear. Paradoxically, that very moment would mark my spiritual death. Yet, I believe I will never reach that point; I am perpetually skeptical of my own skepticism. This particular fear seems to be fixed in my psyche until the day I die. It drives me to continuously search for that one thing that I need to fear.


the basic of human lives is fear.

the most dangerous person is someone who doesn’t fear anything, which doesn’t exist.

if you met someone who has a #YOLO motto, basically it’s still living in fear. they are afraid of living what they perceived as a boring life. sometimes it’s taught by society, sometimes they just feel it. hedonistic is not living without fear, but rather living with fear that there’s no after tomorrow, it’s same with seize the day, carpe diem, you only live once, you live everyday you die once, not worry the future or regret past, stoic’s way to control the present, basically all of that still just fear.

some loser try to find alternative dimensions by gaming to feel as if he’s the winner. and it applied to the opposite, some don’t want try to gaming because they fear they cant excel at those things.

sometimes people have just realized too late, that they have already wasted their life. what makes difference between someone who is perceived by successful person by society is just because they fear that they wasting their life. they do the hustle, grinding everyday, in a state of flow, because they fear they won’t be remember. the fear of die alone without something remarkable for society.

people with religion, they are afraid of the after life. they follow pascal wager’s. some people don’t want to start business because they afraid that it could ruin their neighbor’s gain. some afraid of social interaction. some afraid of death, some afraid of life. some afraid of god/gods/no god.

i think the most dangerous person is someone who is not fear anything. I’ve already said this, that the greediest person is not someone who wants everything, but someone who want to not wanting anything. You can’t force someone who doesn’t want anything, you can’t negotiate with them. That’s why fear itself is a feature. When the immagination doesn’t work, the last effort to negotiate with people like that is only through physical pain, even sometimes it just doesn’t work, they ready to suffer and die, with or without reason.

They might questioning why afraid of most things feared by people. When they don’t do something like society, they are not afraid of going broke, become a low status person, starving death, die alone, die without something remarkable. That’s why the most dangerous person is the person who is not afraid of anything. Someone who does suicide is not fear of anything, don’t they? It’s a tricky because even someone who is not afraid of dying like that is somehow who afraid of living. So basically the fundamental of everything is fear.

What keeps me living is my fear. what is my fear? I am afraid that I never find what I need to be feared. Maybe sometimes in the future I can get to realized that I don’t need to fear anything, that moment, itself is the moment I already dead. But I think I will not achieve that point, I always sceptic about my scepticism. This one is fixed I guess till the day I die, I am afraid that I never find what I need to be feared, that’s why I will have been searching that thing.