Terima kasih @CimahiSamsat atas pelayanannya saya bisa nonton 2 film dokumenter indo komedi ini

The Act of Killing (2012)



The Look of Silence (2014)



“Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn’t give you what you desire - it tells you how to desire.”

Sedikit antidote buat doomer/gloomer/dkk adalah nonton mujahid hasil karya CCP

Just accept, jangan cari tau prosesnya, nonton hewan lucu + dagelan aja, internet surfing is bidah. Top gun, forrest gump, dll adalah propraganda



Sesimpel Schindler’s List (1993), The Pianist (2002), The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008), dll yg bisa bikin simpati trhdp jew dan holocaust

Nyelem dikit dapet ginian

Tiba-tiba melempem -_-

Nabi Lacanian Hegelianism Marxist bisa berteori pseudo analysis ngomongin quantum dan lumayan lucu, tapi ttp kalah sm empirisme neuroscience

Tapi penjelasan neuroscience dan physicist itu terlalu njlimet yg berujung tautologi dan ttp gabisa jelasin consciousness

Amor Fati means you can only pray not to know. Once you know, you can only hope you’ll become a masochist, and then build your story about heroism in Sisyphus while playing petak umpat dan roler koster

Embracing counterintuitive paradox, accepting and justifying any cognitive bias that builds this beautiful material world is a bare minimum


Like the Flexibility of the rubber hegelian master in Luffy plotted by a relative morality ethics from Oda sensei to become a pirate as a free man,


yg oleh teman2 tukang parkir, geng2 klitih, petrus dan buzzer yg berupaya melanggengkan pancasila, ditafsirkan sebagai free man == preman

The conclusion is Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle are the most toxic Apophenia propagandist