Fuck I need a platform to bury my dreams. It’s such a shame that people don’t announce their dead dreams.

The thing is, we don’t know what kind of creature a dream is. Most people see a dream as a lifeless thing, and when it dies, it’s considered to have no value anymore.

But I see a dream as a living entity; it can be like a human or like a fruit. There’s a seed that may die, but when we bury it, it can grow. That’s why I believe people should announce their dead dreams.

Because there’s a chance we can utilize the deceased. The deceased cannot speak, so we should exploit them for our profit and gain, to collect their legacy.

If we don’t bury them, they really stink, and it’s distracting me so much.

I have talked too much about this, and none of it has resulted in action. She’s dying because I expected too much from her. This announcement is my apology to her for burdening her with so many expectations.

Here, I announce the death of my dreams. Please, anyone, come to her funeral. We don’t know what kind of entity she is. We don’t know whether she is in a deep slumber or if she wishes to rest in peace. But what we should do now is bury her.

I dare you all to announce your dead dreams, bury them, and let them follow their desires.

Innā lillāhi wa innā ilaihi rāji’ūn.