random_solawatan nongol di youtube aing -_-

I simply want to know what makes people enjoy this.

Is it because of the good music?

Is it because of the sense of togetherness?

How much do they really love their prophet?

I suspect that all the people who gather there are proficient in Arabic, which allows them to truly enjoy it.

But my hypothesis is that the combination of any of these factors gives them a sense of flow and perceived enjoyment. And perhaps there are hidden factors that I didn’t see.

I’m perverted to the extent that I need more of those. I not only need statistics about that particular group, but also about any other groups that exist, at least in Indonesia. I want to know what rituals they perform, what activities each group finds most enjoyable. I want to know more.

Ahlu Sunnah, Khawarij, Shia, Murjia’ah, Mu’tazilah, Musyabbihah, Jahamiyyah, Dhirariyyah, Najjariyyah, Kilabiyyah, Ahmadiyah, JIL, Atheist, all groups affiliated with a system of belief, categories/clusters related to their organizational coverage, and their contributions to social, economic, and spiritual metrics.

I need data about all of these, please.

@Kemenag_RI @bps_statistics , if anyone knows, I just want to understand. It’s like @bijakmemilihid but on the level of religious organizations.

If a service/data/products like that exists, these are the benefits:

  • Minorities can express their opinions freely if there are practices from other religions that disturb them, such as forced worship, extortion, noise pollution, etc.

  • The government doesn’t have to argue with its citizens by labeling some groups as deviant or not.

  • The government can simply encourage each group to compete in doing good deeds ‘fastabiqul khairat’.

  • The government doesn’t need to forcibly dissolve gatherings that it disagrees with. The government only needs to monitor and prevent physical contact. The government only takes action when there is a conflict involving physical violence between groups.

If one group considers another group misguided, the government can allow it because it’s not a big deal. For example, if a Shia Islamic group considers Sunni Islam misguided or vice versa, the government only needs to encourage the group labeling the other as misguided to consider it as a difference in religion. They can be treated the same in name, but there may be specific tags that differentiate them.

  • Minimizing destructive competition. The government only needs to present data about these various groups with indicators or KPIs: social, economic, human index, spirituality. There doesn’t need to be any ranking to avoid too much stress; at a minimum, it should be descriptive.

  • The community and government just need to sit back and observe the contributions from various groups, then prevent physical clashes from occurring. The police only act as mediators.

  • Creating new job opportunities: collecting data from individual to organizational levels. Opportunities for “procurement” of servers, tools, culture change management, and the like to build these programs.

  • Opportunity for content creation: many discussions can be held for various groups with the goal of trying to understand others.

  • Trying to understand ourselves and others better. Trying to empathize with what most individuals in other groups enjoy. Less judgment.

Data is the most perverted things akin to the devil’s mephistophelean influence. While a seller sometimes gives you what you desire, and novels/movies/games tell you how to desire, data could be the initiator of all of the above.

“Data doesn’t only give you what you desire, it also tells you how to desire.”

Anyone who is passionate about building data-intensive applications has a voyeuristic inclination. While voyeurism is considered bad, it is now normalized in business. Essentially, people are being the target of voyeuristic all the time, but they close their eyes and numb themselves, or they don’t realize that they enjoy being under surveillance because only then can they feel like they’re getting what they desire and being taught how to desire every day.

But we can always gaslight ourselves. Giving our data is part of sodaqoh and charity in Islam. And we trust others perfectly as we have faith in Allah, especially businessmen, that we believe they will hide our aib if we have. And by that we can have ihsan attitude (where you always feel watched over by God so that you always behave in a commendable manner).

designing surveillance app

Everything that exists to create value is a business. An organization is a business. A country is a business. Religion is a business.