Some gay people flee from Indonesia, and I strongly despise them. They accuse me of homophobia just because I’m Muslim, and we insult each other.

Insulting each other is ‘fitrah’. A person mocking doesn’t realize they are doing so. Examples include: Javanese with a thick accent, Sundanese, Batak’s roughness, Malay style like Upin Ipin.

Mocking each other is ‘fitrah’; we can’t stop it. Tolerance has never existed. The will to mock is the truth. Holding someone to speak the truth makes it ugly.

What we can have is tolerance for being mocked. Those who possess it are an alternative to true masochism.

To transform mockery to justify their cowardice.

Like Gus Dur said, Allah doesn’t need defending.

I’ll add, those who say that are just trying to spread their religion, and it’s their right. I suppress my cowardice not to fight the mocker because they are simply crazy. Don’t waste your energy fighting them.

Maruf Amin, FPI, etc turns mockery into fuel to justify expressing their ego and emotions. The ego makes them want to be seen as heroes, saving their religion. They make an analogy that if their parents were mocked, they would be angry at the mocker. They have a faith fallacy, equating humans with transcendent creatures.

They are empty, with nothing to fight for. So, they fill their emptiness with the illusion that they are fighting for their religion. What they are doing is holding onto the image of someone protecting their religion. Islam is greater than them, yet they feel bigger than Islam, so they believe they should protect their religion.

Violence and hate are justified to protect their ego.

On the other hand, Gusdurian teachings justifies their cowardice and laziness not to fight the mocker. It’s a form of avoidance, not associating with their identity.

Here, we can see a little value in cowardice and laziness.