The biggest problem, in my opinion, is toxic or blind positivity. It extends beyond mental health issues; it’s a broader societal concern.

Here are the issues:

It’s counterintuitive: In a job, when you’re more competent or efficient than your coworkers, what happens? You end up receiving more work, essentially punishment, while the incentives remain unchanged.

The toxic entrepreneurial mindset suggests, “You should become an entrepreneur and work for yourself instead of others,” without considering:

  • Access to Capital
  • Regulatory Barriers
  • Market Competition
  • Networking and Connections
  • Education and Skills Gap
  • Inequality and Discrimination
  • Technology Access
  • Bureaucratic Challenges
  • Healthcare and Social Safety Nets
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Global Economic Uncertainty

The economy seems obsolete. While all sciences evolve, the economy remains stagnant, lacking significant system updates. Automation and robotic processes are cheaper and faster, leading to a time where only those with capital survive, exacerbating wealth disparity.

We need a new currency, a new economy. Crypto? Meh. Cryptocurrency and decentralized finance merely facilitate easier exploitation.

Why hasn’t Universal Basic Income (UBI) been experimented with? What challenges does post-scarcity pose? We’re complacent, watching without realizing the looming threat, as those in comfort gaslight us with phrases like, “We’re safe, far from that,” “There’s always opportunity,” or “Don’t be lazy! Work hard! Stay positive, and you’ll find success.”

the biggest problem is i think toxic/blind postivity. it is not related to mental health but bigger than that.

so here’s the problems,

its like this counterintuitive: whenever you’re in a job, when you’re more competent or more efficient than other coworkers, then what will you get?

yes you will get the punishment, you’ll get more job to do. the incentive just stay the same.

and the toxic entreprenerial blind mindset said, “oh you should become an entrepreneur so you work for yourselve instead of others.” without considering

  • Access to Capital
  • Regulatory Barriers
  • Market Competition
  • Networking and Connections
  • Education and Skills Gap
  • Inequality and Discrimination
  • Technology Access
  • Bureaucratic Challenges
  • Healthcare and Social Safety Nets
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Global Economic Uncertainty

the thing is economy is obsolete. all science is expanding and developing, but economy just stay the same, no significant system update. automation/robotic process, they are cheaper, faster.

then its just a time, when only the most who has capital that survive, the rich getting richer and otherwise.

we need new currency, new economy. crypto? meh, cryptocurrency & decentralize finance things is just making us easier to rob each other.

why UBI never be experiment?? what is challenge to post scarcity? we are just doing somehting, watching, and without realization that the monster become bigger. why? that’s because toxic positivity from those who are in comfort gaslight all like, “no, we are safe, far from that”, “it’s okay, there’s always an opportunity.”, “dont’ be lazy! hardwork! stay positive. you will get success”