I despise the patter of raindrops' dance,
Loathe the thunderous beats of music's trance.
The fleeting TikTok whispers, brief and sly,
Assault my senses, make me wonder why.

A cacophony of keys, a tip-toeing storm,
Noisy symphony, my patience they deform.
In this realm of sound, I find no peace,
Averse to every note, my solace seeks release.

How do I shroud my ears, escape this din,
A sensitivity to sound, my Achilles' skin?
Whispers, like secrets, I try to evade,
Yet my keen ears catch the symphony they've made.

I yearn to silence the clamor, find a retreat,
But my ears, like sentinels, remain on the beat.
In pursuit of tranquility, I strive to be free,
Yet the world's orchestra keeps haunting me.

A weary soul, drowning in the noise,
I long for a haven, a soundless poise.
Beneath the waves, where silence reigns,
No languages to decipher, no need for refrains.

Enough of this discord, I yearn to be numb,
A coward to the sounds, a silence I'd become.
Underwater melodies, the only ones I crave,
No complex waves to surf, no need to be brave.

Let me escape this realm of resonating fears,
To the hushed world below, where serenity appears.
No need to respond, no need to react,
Just the muffled sounds of a submerged act.


i hate the sound of rain
i hate the sound of loud music
i hate the sound of short clip tiktok
i hate the sound of tipping keyboard
it is noisy
i hate all sounds
how can i ignore all sounds
i am just too sensitive to sounds
every whisper i try to ignore
my ears are just too keen to all that whisper
how can i ignore
i dont want to hear
i know i will not respond to all that sounds
but these ears are just too susceptible
i know nothing important
but these ears still try to catch the wave
how can i close these ears
im tired of all sounds
i only want to hear sounds under water
no sign or language
no things i should respond

im enough of sounds
i am coward to respond
i want to hear sound only underwater
i want to hear no sound
so i don't need to catch the complex wave
so i dont have to act