i imagine myself, goes traveling through all indonesia. selfies.

this why i prefer cities human-made more than natures god-made

  • nature is something perfect, but there is something progress in human made.

  • i hate genius/priviledged for they lack of beauty of effort. something that makes it beautiful is the effort

  • “back to nature” as we should climb to mountain or beach, but actually we can always go back in nature, to go true deep of ourselves, to go around city, to talk with friends, to see movies, or to go through neighborhood. it doesn’t have to be nature god-made.

  • nature now become part of traveller/lazy tourism management doctrinal that even you’re ok enjoy yourself stay at room / village, then they say it means you’re not happy normal person.

  • city has so much diversity. some accept it some dont. individuality is embraced.

  • mandelbrot fractalian at first is elegant, but some degraded or devaluing the human part of development.

  • 2-bit, square, aristotlian, minecraft graphic is perfect. surely cloud , ** and so on. but god-made is already perfect. they lack of appreciation to the process.

  • al ghazali scepticism to science at that time is comprehensible, since at that time they follow blindly science, not realize that science is as capacable as lying as religion. science itself is religion. but to say that there’s no cause and effect except from god is somehow uncomprehensible by the limitation of human mind.

  • ** ghibli, some say farm nature is beauty, but it is human made.

  • square, vertical, efficient building is just as beauty as the complexity mountain or line beach, or anything inside human organs.

  • minecraft is beauty

  • it is make sense that dajjal become influential even it’s imperfectness, they claim to be gods even they are ugly as fuck.

  • they preach that AI that makes binary, words, images, sounds, just too perfect are not alive. they accuse the perfectness as part of pride and arrogance.

  • so they just exclaimed, “accept yourself as you are”, “be yourself!”, “be authentic!”. its okay to be stupid, poor, ugly, at least you’re happy. These preaches are also preached by mujahid, so that they look like mujahids, while the truth is they dont.

  • their reasoning flaws made them see everything just the same, they can’t differentiate good and evil, they believe there’s always intersection makes them complement each others.

  • dajjal struggle to conceptualize the concept of heaven because they think somebody’s heaven is somebody’s hell.

  • dajjal see/hears/smell,taste, some only want their one true love in heaven, some want do orgies with multi races in heaven. some want to be individual, some want to be in comunal.

  • dajjal see contradictions in heaven’s expectations, they condescending the wants or needs of others, while they perceive that ultimate form of incentive is just knowledge, because they don’t have power.

  • they dont have power to be intelligence, wealth, and beauty. they only have the knowledges. and the false assumptions of them is to be sure that there’s no worthy of pursuing heaven, all meaningless. what they knew is only hell, because of their lust to knowledge.

  • dont fall for dajjal, my friends.

you may prefer cities or nature. but i prefer follow instruktur senam arruhul jaddid.

quraish shihab udah belajar tafsir puluhan tahun ttp ngerasa ga ngerti cok
