Later, when you greet someone who has forgotten you, don’t make her remember you.

You can pretend to be her fan while saying “take care” as you leave.

Perhaps there is suppressed trauma related to you.

Maybe remembering you will cause her to stop functioning and lose her big idea regarding a new theory or contribution to civilization.

Perhaps you’re not that important to her.

Perhaps you are a disgrace/stain in her memory. And as Islam says,

لاَ يَسْتُرُ اللَّهُ عَلَى عَبْدٍ فِى الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ سَتَرَهُ اللَّهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ

“If Allah covers the sin of a servant in the world, then Allah will also cover it on the Day of Judgment.” (HR. Muslim, no. 2590)

It means that you are a sin that Allah hides in the labyrinth of her memory.

Thus her memory is made perfectly unreliable by Them.


Then it is reasonable why money politics wins, a war criminal becomes our president, a nepo baby becomes our vice president.

Supporters will justify only the good.

Haters will justify only the bad.

sixth sense

oscar wilde

Philosophy is a tool to justify cowardice and laziness.

Even in the most cowardly statement and act from Bartleby and Gus Dur, we know that there are the greatest virtues in it.

gus dur

Untuk #asalbukan02, buang dulu deontological ethics sampah klean.

Don’t get trapped in nostalgia or uncertain fear, be aware of assumptions & expectations.

Wallahu a’lam…


Memory is unrealiable

fuck man i have just experienced this.

i met my crush when i was in 6th grade elementary school on a train in the today.

i recognize her face and ask her, “are you […insert name]?”

and she completely clueless about me like i met with my alzheimer grandma.

i remember in 6th grade, i ride bicycle +- 5KM with friends, my friend gave me toblerone to give to her.

i even wrote a poem. i went to her house, met her little brother, we ask him to tell his sister to come because i want to give her something.

than she came out the house to her neighbor house in right side of her house.

we were shy but finally I dared to speak from outside the neighbor’s fence.

“i like you” and i give her the tobleront with my poem.

then i and my friends run away comeback to my friend’s house.

the question is whether my memory is reliable or not, or her memory?

or i dont learn and experience present much enough so i can still remember the past.

or each person has a memory weight that make it erase completely based on weight?

like it is trivial for me but i still remmber the detail.

does my memory really extrapolate and excessively distort the real story?

then i found the same case with this movie,


i maybe oversimplify, but law process is unreliable.

Anatomy of a Fall

then it is reasonable why a war criminal win Indonesia presidenctial election.

supporters will justify only the good. haters will justify only the bad.

noone knows about future.

– da vinci touch god …

sixth sense we see only what we wanna see